Chapter 20 - Safe

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As the night deepened, the shadows of her past began to seep into her dreams, twisting them into nightmares. Images of the Hydra facility and the pain she had endured haunted her sleep, leaving her gasping for breath and tangled in the sheets.

She woke with a start, her heart racing, her body drenched in sweat. Panic clawed at her chest, its icy grip tightening with each labored breath. The darkness of the room felt suffocating, a stark reminder of the past she had tried to escape.

Before she could even make sense of what was happening, Steve and Bucky were awake beside her, their arms instantly wrapping around her as they pulled her close. Their touches were grounding, lifelines in the sea of fear that threatened to overwhelm her.

"Olivia, it's okay," Bucky's voice was a soothing whisper, his fingers gently stroking her hair.

Steve's touch was gentle yet firm, his hand on her back a reassuring presence. "You're safe now. It was just a dream."

But the nightmare's hold was strong, its grip unrelenting. Olivia's breath came in ragged gasps as she fought to control her panic, to remind herself that she was no longer trapped in that nightmare.

Bucky's grip tightened, his other hand gently cupping her cheek, guiding her face to meet his gaze. His blue eyes held a depth of understanding that only came from shared pain. "Hey, look at me. You're safe. It's not real."

Tears welled up in Olivia's eyes, and she struggled to find her voice. "I... I can't..."

Bucky's thumb brushed away a tear that had escaped down her cheek. "You don't have to explain. We're here for you."

Steve shifted closer, his presence a silent reassurance. "We won't let anything hurt you. You're not alone in this."

As she looked between their caring faces, Olivia's resistance crumbled further. The facade of strength she had meticulously built over the years was breaking apart in the face of their unwavering support.

Bucky's arms held her close, and Steve's touch was a steady anchor. They offered her safety, acceptance, and understanding, and Olivia felt the walls around her heart begin to crumble.

Amid her vulnerability, Olivia found strength in their embrace. She had always thought that opening up meant weakness, but now, as they held her through her darkest moments, she realized that vulnerability was a testament to the depth of connection they shared.

Bucky's voice was a whisper against her ear, his words a soothing balm. "You're not alone, Liv. We're right here with you."

Steve's hand brushed her hair back from her face, his touch gentle. "We'll face this together, just like we face everything else."

Olivia's tears had subsided, replaced by a quiet calmness that settled within her. She felt exhaustion tugging at her, but more than that, she felt a sense of gratitude for the men who held her, who refused to let her face her demons alone.

As the night slowly transformed into the first light of dawn, Olivia found herself nestled between Bucky and Steve, their arms a protective shield around her. The nightmare had taken its toll, but it had also brought her a step closer to her mates, a step closer to healing.

With her head resting against Bucky's chest and Steve's hand gently holding hers, Olivia closed her eyes. The darkness was no longer suffocating; it was a space where vulnerability was met with understanding, where pain was shared and eased by the ones who loved her.


Her Soldat was gone and maybe she was fine with that, but maybe she just wanted someone to hold her and make everything okay. Soldat gave her that, he gave her the comfort in surviving through those pain-filled sessions that they endured, together.

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