I'm A Catch You, Watch.

Start from the beginning


"Yeah he's still my manager."

"And school?"

"It won't interfere, I'm only working part time and with me taking AP courses last year and now I'm not needed at school on certain days as today."

"Your pregnant." I stressed.

"I'll be fine."

"What time do you need to be there." I sighed.


"I'm not okay with this."

I know, but thank you for trying."


At Work (Tamia)

"Hey Chloe, Jeremiah said to  take your lunch break now I'll cash out til you get back." I smiled at her.

"Thanks girl, need anything while I'm out." She asked Chloe was the first of my co-workers I had told I was pregnant only because Kevin threaten to 'sue each and every one of  these mòtherfùckers if shìt happened to his babies' his words not mine.

"Some fries would be nice."

"You got it." She answered turning to leave.

"Oh and a Snapple."


"And -"



"Didn't you get lunch?"

"Yeah but that was like an hour ago."

"I'll be back soon."

"Okay, thanks."

Sitting up in the seat I began swinging the seat back side to side watching everyone go about their business

"Hi." A older guy came up to the cashier area and said to me, with Jeff coming up be hind him with two shoes boxes.

"Hello sir," Grabbing the boxes checking them out I asked "Well that be all?"


"Your total is $158.49." Taking cash from his wallet he pays .

"Thank you."

"Your welcome, have a nice day."

Closing the cash register I went back to my swinging til I heard the door open.

And in walked Lia...

What the hell, what is she doing at my job!

Calm down Tamia it's a sneaker store maybe she's here to by a pair or two just relax.

As she walked around the store with some girl I guess her friend, my eyes never left her movements, picking up a sneaker she looked over her shoulder and the bìtch smiled at me!

Calling over Sami another coworkers working the floor for what I guess was the few sneakers in her hand she and her friend went about their business til awhile later when they was ready to pay for the sneaks heading my way.

Shit, why couldn't Chloe be back by now...

"Tamia." She said smiling at me.

"Hello." I said as politely as I could forget a ma'am this ho ain't worth it.

"Well this be all?" I questioned.

"Hmm I think so, you need anything else Shan." She asked her friend.

"Nope I'm good."

"I guess that's it." She smiled that fake ass smile at me.

Taking a breath I totalled her bill.

"That'll be $361.25." Handed me $400 .

"So Tamia,"

No this bitch isn't about talk to me like we cool...

"How's everything."

This bitch....

"You know it's been a minute since I've seen Kevin how is he?

He's at home sleeping, building back his strength for round three tonight bitch.

"I remember the last time I saw him mhm and how amazing he tasted."

Wha- Bìtch repeat yourself, why am I thinking this than saying it...

"I'm sorry repeat that for me I don't think I heard you right."

"Oh but I think you did, " She then spoke in a whisper tone

"Ask him, oh and keep the change. Let's go Shan."

My heart began to beat extremely fast I was beginning to feel I need a minute to myself.

"Hey, here you go Tammy I even got you a burger with pickles your favorite." Chloe came around the register and said.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

"I'll be in the back if anyone needs me."

"Hey you okay?"

"Yeah never better." I lied faking a smile of my own leaving her stand there.

Tamia:  Livin' & Lovin' The FAT (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now