1. Fire alarm

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I leaned back into the chair noticing Max had fallen asleep 20 minutes into the photography class. Her face was hidden in her arms as she laid her head on the table. I wouldn't judge her, I was fighting to keep my eyes open too while listening to the most boring class today.

Photography wasn't exactly my thing, I could barely understand what the fuck was an aberration. I suck at selfies or just general photography. I didn't know why I had this class, most of my classes are focused on science, well more like the study of insects. There are so many different kinds of insects, some of them more fascinating than others, it's a shame people get frightened by them.

I stared at the clock counting every second, it seemed like times just going slower and slower. To my luck, Max woke up from her dreamland. She flinched in her seat shoving the camera away, which I caught before it could fall to the ground and shatter," are you good Max?".

Max awkwardly shook her shoulders," I think so", she reached for her camera and I handed it over to her still worried,"thanks".

I nodded once, not thinking much about it,"nightmare?", I attempted to make some talk, better than listening to this douchebag teacher. He creeped me out a little, I don't know why, might be because he just mentioned framing someone in a dark corner or whatever bullshit.

I cringed seeing Max being all in her own world, she was acting weird as shit, especially when my eyes caught her taking a selfie, a fucking selfie? In class?

"I believe Max has taken what you kids call a selfie... a dumb word for a wonderful photographic tradition. Now, Max, since you clearly captured our interest and clearly want to join our conversation, can you please tell us the name of the process that gave birth to the first self-portraits?", Mr. Jefferson clearly caught on Max not listening to his lecture. I scoffed at his question right after Max was murmuring a " I forgot".

"Y/N?" he turned to me angrily, meaning he wanted me to answer his stupid question.
" no idea" I shrugged and smiled lightly right as the bell rang," come on Max, lets catch the bus to diner?".

Max's eyes widened as if she realized something, God knows what, was she sick? She looked pale," uh no you go, okay? I need to go to the bathroom, I'll see you there".

My brows frowned, something was seriously off with her today, she didn't seem like herself," I'll just wait for you outside".

We agreed and she left for the bathroom. I plugged the earphones into my ears, listening to some rock music. I loved taking my mind off things, this way the music helped me to cope with hallucinations. Yeah, some scary ass hallucinations thanks to my schizophrenia. After my mom died the hallucinations became more vivid, felt more real. Of fucking course I forgot to take my meds, they make me anxious anyway.

My music was loud but not loud enough to cancel out the fire alarm going off in every corner of the school. I took one of my earphones out, hanging the wire on my shoulder. Everyone walked to the door, yet I stood near the corner of a wall considering if I should wait for Max to come out.

Suddenly the door to the bathroom flew open and just as I was prepared to see Max, a girl crashed into me," Jesus what the fuck?!" she yelled as our asses touched the ground.

I rushed to rub my elbow which was stinging with pain, staring at the blue-haired girl in front of me," watch where you go next time", I said rather harshly, she rolled her eyes while standing up, she looked a little shaken by something, still kept her coolness though.

My mind wandered to Max, is she still in there, maybe she drowned. I glanced at the door, seeing a guy, Nathan Prescott, leave as well, he threw a warning look to the girl, then at me.

While I was following his figure, confused why he looked at me like I've done something wrong, a hand came to my view," are you gonna stay on the floor or...?".

" whatever " I denied her help, standing up on my own and brushing past her shoulder, I was going to get Max and get out of here.

Just to my luck, Max waltzed out of the bathroom. What is taking her so long? I thought in annoyance. The Principal called her over, and they had a brisk conversation, which looked like it didn't end well.

"Hey Max, you ready to go eat?" I smiled at her. "Um actually, im sorry Y/n, im not really feeling like it, can we just go to my dorm?" She asked shyly. "Oh, yeah. Sure. You okay?" I started walking with her. "Some weird shits happened, I'll tell you another time." She gave me a soft smile. Eventually we made it to her dorm, and after hilariously spilling paint all over bitchtoria, we made it to Max's dorm and she let out a groan.

"What is it?" I looked down at her phone. "Warren wants me to bring his flash drive." She responded, she looked tired. "I can do it for you? I need to get to my car anyway." I patted her back gently. "Really? You're awesome Y/n, thank you." She smiled. "It looks like Dana borrowed it, is that okay?" She grabbed a sticky note off her desk. "No worries! Y/n here to save the day!" I smiled brightly.

As I moved down the halls I let out a groan at the commotion going on at and went to investigate. "Yo, whats goin on?" I questioned as I walked up. "Why would you care Y/n? You rarely talk to people, you just sit there with your bugs? Do you even know my last name?" She snarked at me. "Um, okay, FIRST off, entomology is awesome." I got closer. "Okay, but whats my last name Y/n?" She asked again. "Juliet.. Watson. Just cause I dont talk doesn't mean I dont listen? Jeeze, now whys there a stick up your ass?" I spoke.

"Oh, shit. Sorry. Basically, Victoria said she saw Dana sexting my boyfriend. So now im locking her in her room till she admits it." She stated. "I didn't do it!" Dana yelled from the other side of the door. I groaned, "you're really gonna believe vicwhoreia?" I gave her a nastly look. "Unless theres proof otherwise." Juliet shrugged.

I looked over to victorias open door and grinned to myself. I entered her room and looked around, stopping at the computer and printing the email. I ran back over to Juliet and handed her the email, waiting. Eventually they made up and I walked into Danas room.

"Whats up Y/n? And thanks for totally saving me." I nodded. "I just need to run warrens flash to him for Max." I smiled, lighting up when I saw it. I looked down to see the positive pregnancy test in a box, but chose to ignore it. "Thanks again, come by any time." Dana smiled.

I practically ran out of there and to the parking lot, walking to Warren. "Hey- oh, you're not Max. Hi Y/n." Warren smiled. "Nope. Im not, Max was feeling tired so I delivered it for her." I shrugged. "Oh. Is Max okay?" He questioned. "I dunno, you should ask her yourself. Shes in her dorm if its really bugging you." I shrugged, and he nodded. "Well thanks Y/n, see you around." "See ya." I waved as I walked towards my car, taking out my keys and opening the door, throwing my bag to the passenger seat.

Finally, I can get a good meal! I thought in excitement.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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