Chapter 1-A normal life

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My name is Alice, an ordinary 13 year old teenager,  living my peaceful life in a small village called Summerfield. My days were filled with classes, schoolwork, and laughter with friends. I never imagined my life would take such a dark turn, leading me on a journey of self-recovery and revenge.

However, I intend to share my journey with you. It all began on what seemed like an ordinary day. The alarm clock rang, the first rays of sunlight peeked through the curtains, casting a timid light into the room.

I rubbed my eyes, yawned, and stretched, feeling the cold floor beneath my bare feet. 

After waking up, I stood in front of the mirror to get ready. I have long, straight black hair that fell gently over my shoulders. My skin is pale, and I made sure to apply sunscreen to protect it from sun damage. However, on that day, I noticed that my blue eyes were slightly swollen from staying up late the night before. This emphasized the dark circles under my eyes, but I knew it was a result of my hectic routine.

My facial features are soft, with delicate traits and well-defined eyebrows. I have a gentle smile that appeared frequently when I am with friends and family. My dressing style is usually simple and comfortable, preferring practical clothes for everyday wear.

I realized I was running late for school, so I hurriedly put on my uniform, grabbed my backpack, and picked up an apple to eat on the way. 

As I left the house, a shiver ran down my spine, as if someone were following me. I looked around, but saw nothing suspicious. On my way to school, as I turned a corner, I encountered a group of troublemakers who had been hanging around. 

One of them was Alex, a young boy with short, curly, blond hair, piercing and intimidating blue eyes. He had an average height and a confident posture, a scar on his eyebrow, and a handsome face. Alex often wore a challenging expression, which made him even more intimidating. He was a classmate who had been bothering me since the beginning of the school year.

Their hostile glances met mine, leaving me with a sense of unease. My heart raced as I continued on my way, hoping to reach school safely.

When I finally arrived in the classroom and sat down, my best friend Emily came over to me.

Emily, my best friend, is a girl with long, straight blonde hair, who usually has ponytails adorned with colorful ribbons. Her eyes are light brown, bright and expressive, always conveying warmth and friendship. Emily is short, but that only makes her seem even more adorable. Her natural rosy cheeks and her radiant smile have a way of lighting up any room she enters.

She smiled, and asked if there was something I wanted for my birthday. That reminded me that I would be turning 14 in a week, and I had been so busy that I had completely forgotten.

The bell rang, interrupting our thoughts, and the teacher entered the room. The class began, but my mind still wandered, thinking about how I would celebrate my birthday and what I would ask for as a gift. While the teacher explained the lesson, I began scribbling some ideas in the margin of my notebook, eager to share them with Emily later.

Finally, it was lunchtime, and Emily and I went to the courtyard to enjoy the sunny day. Suddenly, Alex and his gang of troublemakers approached and started teasing me. The peaceful atmosphere quickly turned tense, and I prepared to face the situation with determination.

Alex ridiculed me with harsh words, calling me ugly and stupid, but I kept my composure, responding calmly and firmly, urging him to stop and that this was not the right way to treat anyone.

Emily also intervened, courageously defending me and stating that we should be kind and respectful to each other. Tension filled the courtyard as other students watched the situation. Eventually, a teacher noticed the conflict and approached to defuse it. The group of troublemakers dispersed, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Behind meTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon