Chapter 18

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Hello everyone! I may or may not have had a little time in between all the exam prep so I decided to write. Please pray for me to pass as I don't think I will. Fingers crossed. Thank you soo much for 12.1k I'm soo grateful!!! I don't mean to offend anyone, remember this is pure look at it as fiction......Anyways! Hope you enjoy. And I would love your feedbacks. Happy reading!!♡
After having a almost normal lunch with his sister MJ was now on his way to Kavin's as he wanted to hangout. MJ walked in towards Kavin's room to find the boy playing video games.
MJ: What's up Vin!?
Kavin: I'm bored!
MJ: Just go on a date or something then! Wait I remember Thyme told me and Ren that you have stopped hanging out!?
Kavin: Yeah! Now tell me how is Arinya?
MJ: She is better now! I kind of made her understand.
These days everytime MJ and Kavin talked he always asked about Arinya.
Kavin: You know I'm really curious about what happened in the past.
MJ: Well....why do you care!?
Kavin: Hmm.... right...

As the boy thought over it. Why did he care!? Who was he to her? She was just a girl who annoyed him everytime they met.
MJ: Bro!
Kavin: Huh!?
MJ: I was talking!
Kavin: So you were saying!?
As they talked and had a little fun making him forget about the thing that was in his head.

Kavin today again for the tenth time in the past two weeks decided to visit his usual place as the girl came looking beautiful as she always does.
Malai: Are we going to do it today atleast!?
Kavin moved super close to her as he kissed her neck and said.
Kavin: Today is the day!
Malai smiled as the two walked towards the room. As soon as they entered the girl pushed him against the wall about to kiss him but as their lips were about to meet Kavin pushed her away lightly.
Kavin: Let's do it some other time!

This now was the last straw for Malai. Kavin always got her hopes up but never fulfilled her needs.
Malai: You know what Kavin I'm done with you, everytime you call me and give me hope only to push me away later. I'm soo fvcking done with you!
Saying that Malai stormed out of the room living Kavin alone who just sighed before walking back to his car.

Arinya was out today with Ten as he wanted to introduce her to someone. She walked into the cafe as she saw Ten sitting before walking towards him and sitting in the front.
Arinya: Hello! So who do you want to introduce me too?
Ten: Well he won't be here for another half an hour anyways so you know how I'm gay right!?
Arinya: Of course!
Ten: There is this our college......he is a business major...
Arinya: Spill the tea bro!
Ten: Okay! I might have a little crush on him...
Said the boy as his cheeks were tainted pink.
Arinya:! Is he handsome? Tell me everything right now!
That's how the bestie duo spent the next 20 minutes, gossiping about Ten's crush.

After another five minutes finally the bell of the cafe rang as a tall, handsome, attractive guy walked in. Arinya's back was facing him so she couldn't really see that guy. Ten waved his hand and the other person waved back before walking towards their table. Arinya turned see Ten waving as she was shocked with how hot the guy was.
Arinya: Bro! You got fine taste!
Ten: Tell me about it!

The guy took as seat beside Ten before smiling at the boy and greeting him and later turning to the girl infront.
...........: Hey! I'm Johnny Suh!
Said the boy as he put forward his hand for a handshake which the girl returned.
Arinya: Arinya Jarustiwa! It's nice to finally meet you!
Johnny: Oh the feelings are mutual!
That was it as the trio spent the rest of the evening talking, laughing and getting to know eachother.

The Next Day

The duo of friends were in the canteen making their way to get lunch, standing in line and talking about general stuff just when the heard some juicy gossip.
Lily: What do you mean!?
Malai: Well you see, Kavin has been calling me to hookup with him for the past two weeks, but everytime he just refuses to even kiss! And I'm done with it's just so annoying!
Lily: Wait! You are telling Kavin the greatest Playboy ever refuses to sleep with you!
Malai: Yeah! And you know what's worse I used some of my sources to know if he is sleeping around with someone else but no! He hasn't slept around in about a month now!
Lily: Oh my god! What happened!? Is he okay!?

Ten just looked at Arinya with a face which just screamed 'What the fuck' and Arinya was just as bewildered at this little discovery of theirs. They immediately grabbed their lunch and walked towards their usual table only to find Johnny waiting as the three nowadays had lunch together.
Ten: Dude! We got some of the juicest tea ever! The Kavin Kittiyangkul, The Playboy, one of The Elite boys in our university has stopped sleeping around!
Johnny: Nice joke Ten!
Ten: John if you don't believe me ask Ari!
Johnny just looked at the girl knowing she would tell him the truth as she isn't really fond of pranks and stuff.
Arinya: Well....he isn't lying! I guess the Fuvkboy stopped playing around!
Johnny: Oh my god! This is a miracle!!
Arinya just chuckled as she spoke again to the two boys sitting with her.
Arinya: You guys are so overdramatic!
Ten: Oh it's in the genes babe!
The girl just shook her head as these two were few of the people who were keeping her sane and she was very grateful to them. The rest of the lunch was good as they shared jokes, giggles and laughter.

Arinya was walking towards class lost in her thoughts as she kept thinking of why did Kavin stop sleep around and what it even the truth. Just then the poor girl bumped into a well built chest as she looked up only to see the face that didn't please her often.
Kavin: Hey!
Arinya: What are you doing here!? Bunking classes like always?
Kavin: Okay first of all I greeted you politely so you are supposed to greet me back and second I donot bunk classes, I have a free lecture!
Arinya: Whatever!

Arinya was thinking about how to ask sneakily about the thing that was in her mind just then the boy spoke.
Kavin: You know if you want to ask something ask away Dx..kmị̂!
Arinya: Shut up and don't call me that!
Kavin: Okay Dxkmị̂! But ask what you wanted to!
Arinya: I said don't call me that! And it's nothing!
Kavin: Okay ms Jarustiwa!
The boy shrugged as he was about to walk away only to turn around when he heard the Jarustiwa girl speak.
Arinya: Di..did you stop sleeping around!?

As soon as Kavin heard the question a teasing smile made its way on his face.
Kavin: are curious about that Dxkmị̂!
Arinya: Huh! You thought, I was asking for a friend.
Kavin: Whatever make you sleep at night Dxkmị̂!
Arinya was now super annoyed at it was pretty evident on her face.
Arinya: You know what, I am done with you!
As she was about to walk away Kavin gently caught her wrist as he pulled her towards him before whispering in her ear.
Kavin: Well.....if you I mean your friend wants to know then tell her that, Yes I have stopped sleeping around. And see you later Dxkmị̂!
Kavin walked away with a sneaky smile before the girl could realise as she just decided to rush to class.

Ten and Arinya were at the back just waiting for class to end, as the almost fell asleep thanks to their chemistry professor. Just then the students council members walked in as the looked at eachother with hope. The president talked with the professor before they started telling the reason they were here.

President: Good afternoon students, so as you know every year our university organises prom and this year is no different. So I would like to request you all to read all the details on the notice board on your floor. Thank you! And hope you all attend.

All the students as soon as they heard prom got excited except one as the started talking among themselves.
Ten: You don't seem happy!?
Arinya: Well proms are boring I'd rather not go! Actually I'm not going.
Ten: Oh come on!! This is the first prom of our university!!!
Arinya: Ten no! And you need a date, I don't have one!
Ten: Nither do I and it's not like a compulsion to have a date!! So let's go together as besties!!
Arinya: I'll think about it! And do not force me or I won't come at all!!
Ten: Okay ms!
Professor: Students! I want your attention here!
The two shared eyecontact as they just decided to sleep.

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