Chapter 8

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Kavin was in the university garage parking his luxury car when he felt someone's presence behind he looked around but it was no one the boy then started walking towards the university. Kavin then turned around suddenly as someone quickly put a handkerchief filled with chloroform on his face.

Before Kavin could react he can feel himself getting light headed before he completely lost conscious. As the men dragged him towards a car. Putting him inside and driving away casually like they did not just kidnap someone.

Arinya was having a great day so far she just got back her test in which she had scored the highest and also she didn't see any of the f4 members around the university campus. Ten and her were also going to try some of the restaurants she wanted to try the next day.

On the other side a boy was unconscious sitting on a chair with his hands and legs tied. Kavin was now waking up as he groaned from feeling pain in his hands and legs because of the rope tied tightly. He opened his eyes to find himself tied but wanting to get out of there as soon as possible he decided to take out his phone and ring one of his friends.

Thyme was in a emergency meeting in the company discussing about the new launch of schemes. When he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket he tried ignoring it before sneaking it under the desk only to see it was Kavin. Thinking it wasn't something serious and deciding to call the boy later Thyme put his phone away.

Ren was sitting on the couch peacefully sketching when he heard his phone ring he turned towards the device only to find it was one of his friends. Kavin these days was trying to set him up with new people which annoyed Ren, deciding not to pick up his phone he continued sketching.

In the Jarustiwa house someone was in a deep slumber. MJ was fast asleep with his phone switched off to not have any distractions when sleeping. On the other side Kavin was frustrated so he decided to call one last person for help.

Gorya was on her way out of the University when her phone rang she took out to see it was one of her future brother-in-law, Kavin.
Gorya: Hello!
Kavin: Hello! Gorya! I need you to listen to me carefully!
Gorya: Kavin who do you want to prank this time??
Kavin: Gorya! It's serious. I'm kidnapped!!
Gorya then started laughing as Kavin on the other line was confused.
Kavin: Gorya it's not funny! I literally am-
Some one entered the abandoned building and found Kavin on his phone.
Fong: Hey! Who did you call!!!!
With that the other line went dead. Gorya now widened her eyes as she was thinking what to do that's when she saw Arinya.

Thithara then ran towards Arinya as she said quickly while sitting on the bike.
Gorya: Come on quick we need to go Kavin is kidnapped!!
It took a second for Arinya to realize what the girl said before she burst out laughing. After a couple of minutes she calmed down.
Arinya: How...can.....a grown man like him be kidnapped!
Gorya: I'm not kidding! he just called me we need to find him quick.
Arinya: Well I'm not really helping because I don't care about him! So get down my bike.
Gorya: Oh come on! have some humanity!
Arinya: I'm a mafia's daughter and Nope!
Gorya: Atleast take me to the police station.
Arinya: Bro! I just said I'm a Mafia's daughter I don't like attention so I'm not coming. And get down my bike or I'm going! I can just pick it up later.
Gorya was annoyed at the girl's emotionless face and just walked out of their as Arinya returned home.

Arinya walked inside her house only to find her brother on the couch looking like he just woke up. MJ then saw the girl as he sleepily questioned.
MJ: How was university??
Arinya: It was good! Didn't see any of your friends, and by the way one of your friends got kidnapped.
MJ jolted awake and with wide eyes said.
MJ: What! (Just then his phone rang it was Ren)
Arinya: Yup! Personally he isn't an expensive person so just give them the hundred dollars they ask for.
Saying that she went upstairs to her room and MJ immediately picked up his phone.

MJ: Hello!
Ren: I'm coming over with Gorya, Kavin is kidnapped!
MJ: What the fudge!?
Ren: Yeah get your computer ready.
Saying that Ren cut the call and MJ went to gather all the stuff needed for hacking.

Kavin on the other side gulped a little as he saw four well built boys in front of him but he didn't want to come of as weak so he said rather with a fierce look.
Kavin: What do you want!?
Fong: Revenge!
Kavin: What did I ever do to you? I don't even remember seeing you!
Fong: You slept with my girlfriend!
Kavin looked even more confused now as he thought 'I have slept with a lot of girls and I can't even remember a single face how am I supposed to know your girlfriend dude!'
Kavin: Can you tell me her name?
Fong: Daisy.
Kavin: How many daisy's have I slept with!?
He started wondering when he received a tight slap. He shot the person who hit him a dirty look after how dare he lay his dirty hands on him. He is the Kavin Taemiyaklin Kittiyangkul.
Fong: How many girls have you slept with!?
Kavin: Fifty.......nah! Definitely atleast a hundred!
The people who kidnapped him looked bewildered. As he got another reward in the form of a slap and Kavin definitely looked offended.

Here MJ was trying to find Kavin's location as Ren, Thyme and Gorya were looking at the screen anxiously. Thyme arrived immediately after he heard one of his best friends was kidnapped. Arinya walked into the living room as she glanced at the screen as she said.
Arinya: Still haven't found the fvckboy!?
Gorya: Why do you care! You didn't even help me find Kavin!
MJ: You refused to help Gorya with Kavin?
Arinya: She wanted me to take her to the police station (MJ made an understood face)
MJ: I kinda relate to her as I myself don't like going to the police station, it's just because of dad we get to much attention. I know it's weird coming from me-
Arinya: Knowing the fact how much he loves attention. And get up your complicating it more than it is.

The younger Jarustiwa signaled MJ to get of the chair before sitting on the chair and working her magic on the computer. Within five minutes she found Kavin's location and smiled at them sarcastically before getting off the chair. Ren then said.
Ren: You don't like him so why did you help us find him!?
Arinya: I pity the kidnapper! imagine being in the same room as that fvckboy, sends shivers down my spine!
Saying that she decided to go upstairs towards the room leaving the people dumbfounded. As Thyme ushered them to go and get to Kavin as soon as they can.

The group of friends finally reached the abandoned building. The walked in to find a few boys around what they assumed as Kavin when Thyme screamed.
Thyme: Leave our friend alone!
Then MJ immediately covered his mouth gesturing Ren to speak who just sighed.
Ren spoke rather calmly wanting to set the matter without any violence.
Ren: Why did you kidnap our friend?
Fong: He slept with my girlfriend!
Ren: Well I don't really think it's my friend's fault as he doesn't sleep around without consent so your girlfriend was the one who decided to cheat on you.
Fong: No she can't!
Ren: I sorry to break it to you but my friend really doesn't sleep around without consent so ask her if she willingly cheated and let our friend go.
Fong was contemplating for a while he didn't really want to believe his girlfriend cheated but their was a possibility as he did see her hanging out with few other guys.

Fong: Fine! But if I find out that she didn't cheat I'll beat your friend till death.
Ren agreed as they let F4 take Kavin back. He sat in Ren's car before they headed towards the Jarustiwa mansion.

Gorya and Thyme decided to go to the Parama mansion as they promised Rosaelyn to have a family dinner. The trio reached the Jarustiwa mansion as MJ and Ren decided to let Kavin freshen up a bit as they sat on the couch.

Kavin after taking a shower and changing into MJ's clothes headed downstairs when he met Arinya.
Arinya: Oh so you were saved??
Kavin: I mean of course.
He said in a 'duh' tone when Arinya noticed some redness on his right cheek. Being curious she asked.
Arinya: Why does your cheek look red!?
Kavin: Ah! That it's because I couldn't really remember his girlfriend who I slept with which kind of offended him and he slapped me.

Hearing that Arinya again burst out laughing as Kavin joined her in the laughter though he was a little embarrassed. MJ and Ren saw them laughing together and were a little shook.

End of chapter 8

Hello everyone! Hope you enjoy the update. Thank you sooo much for waiting. Happy reading!!

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