Chapter 5

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Both Arinya and Kavin were minding their own business, she continued finishing her drawing as Kavin was thinking of a way to get her to delete the video, she then remembered she left a few of her colours downstairs. She decided to go downstairs and get them back. As she was going down the stairs she met none other than The Kavin Taemiyaklin Kittiyangkul. She murmured something which he heard.
Arinya: Useless fvckboy!

Kavin who was controlling himself for a while cornered her as he said.
Kavin: Let me make two things clear first talk to me with respect and second delete that video or the consequences won't be great!
Arinya didn't look much bothered by their closeness as she said.
Arinya: Not happening in a million years, and leave me I have to get something from downstairs.

Kavin now was furious as he pinned her to the wall and said.
Kavin: If you care about yourself better delete that video.
Arinya: I said it before and I'll say it again NO! And leave me because if I push you, you'll have to go to the hospital.
Kavin still being stubborn didn't let go but glared at her. Arinya on the other had was getting bored as she slapped him lightly making sure not to hurt him as walked down the stairs.

The next day

All of them started their journey back home, this time Arinya was in the same car as Ren. The ride was silent for a while before Ren spoke.
Ren: I didn't know you painted??
Arinya: It's just a hobby!
The car once again went silent as Ren focused on the road, once again a question was asked but this time it was Arinya.

Arinya: Why did you suddenly stop it??
Ren: Hmm.......What do you mean?
Arinya: Why did you suddenly tried stopping the bullying when you saw gorya getting bullied??
Ren: Well......It didn't really hit me until I saw Gorya being bullied, I feel like she herself had a big impact on all of us. I realized that how severe it was actually. And Gorya was a big reason that made us realize how cruel we were. Look at Thyme for example he has changed completely after meeting Gorya, he has become a better version of himself.
Arinya: Personally I don't believe people can change, but what about Kavin he is still a fvckboy!
Ren: Well, I can't really disagree that even if it's not as bad as before it hasn't gone away completely, but I feel like if he finds some one who can be the Gorya in his life, he can be the best version of himself.

Ren said looking at her through the rear view mirror, he noticed her thinking about something.
Arinya: Though I wonder, would you all still be the same if Gorya hadn't come into your life? Would you still have ignored all the bad things the boys did?
Ren on the other hand couldn't really find the right words to tell her, cause he himself wasn't sure if he would have stopped the boys if he didn't see Gorya being bullied.

Though Arinya didn't get the answer she some how knew he was thinking about it, she just put on her headphones and decided to listen to music the rest of the ride home.

The reached home at night it was time for dinner, Ren dropped her and bid her goodbye before driving towards his condo. She decided to freshen up and relax till MJ was back.

Arinya was coming downstairs with comfortable clothes on when she saw her brother looking at her with a sneaky little smile. She immediately knew he was planning something so she squinted her eyes at him in a questioning way.
Arinya: What are you upto??
MJ: Well nothing, just wanted to tell you we have a guest over.
Arinya: Who is it??
MJ: Go in the dining room to find out..

Arinya gave him one last look before walking in to the dining room, only to find the face she least wanted to see. She turned to look at her brother who was acting innocent.
Arinya: I'm not hungry!
Which was a lie she was actually starving.
MJ: Oh you're not? Why don't you serve us then?
He said as he sat down besides the 'special' guest.

Arinya: Do I look like your servant??
MJ: Ohhh........come on nong don't be like that, please!!
Arinya just looked at him dead in the eye before saying.
Arinya: No! Methas Jarustiwa!
The 'special' guest decided to interrupt the siblings before speaking up himself.

Kavin: You should eat, I'm pretty sure you are hungry after all the trip was exhausting.
Arinya: I'm not hungry kha!
Arinya said with a sarcastic smile on her face before going back to the room. Because in her words 'Their was no way she was eating dinner with a fvckboy'

Kavin just sighed before looking at MJ as he spoke.
Kavin: What's her problem with me? Why does she treat me like that? It's not like I killed her puppy!
MJ: Well I'll be honest with you she isn't really fond of any of you except Gorya, she is the type to not believe that people can change.
Kavin: So......she knows how we used to be?
MJ: Yup, and she doesn't especially like a fvckboy, so....she just dislikes you more that thyme, the only on she can bear talking to is Ren.
Kavin: But it's not like I force them, they willingly give in, I mean I'm Kavin Taemiyaklin Kittiyangkul.
MJ: I know but my sister isn't really fond of boys like you.
Kavin: But why?? There might be a reason right?
MJ: Their is but I'm not the one who should tell you about it, it's better that Ari tells you about it herself.

Kavin after hearing that was thinking about all the possible reasons of her thinking that people can change.

End of chapter 5

Hope you enjoy the chapter, thank you for patiently waiting and please do correct me if their are any corrections. Happy reading!

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