009. Something wicked this way comes

Start from the beginning

Skylar's hand gripped around the gun that Chris handed her as she leaned against a wall in the armoury basement. Her nausea had returned and so did her headache, making concentrating on Chris' and Gerard's presentation harder than usual.

A lot of other non-Argent hunters were around the room, collecting weapons and listening.

"All right – the party's in a warehouse just inside the industrial sector." Chris made eye contact with Allison who was sitting on the stairs.

"Allison has learned that Jackson Whittemore will be there, seeking his next target out of the crowd. Since we still have little clue as to how strong he is, we need to be extremely cautious. When Allison has Jackson's location and has determined him to be at the optimal point where we can take him down, she'll signal me. 'Optimal' meaning as far away from the crowd as possible. There will be no collateral damage tonight." He turned to his daughter and nodded. "Go ahead."

Allison stomped up the stairs like an angry child and Skylar rolled her eyes.

Gerard hummed. "As willing a participant as she seems, your young protégée there also appears to be under the impression that we are planning a trap."

"She doesn't need to know any more than that." Said Chris defensively.

"For the rest of us, then, let's be perfectly clear. . .You don't trap a creature this dangerous – you kill it."

Skylar clenched her gun tighter, the cold metal burning against her feverish skin. "Yay." She muttered sarcastically, wondering why the fuck Gerard was making her do this shit instead of actually resting.


Slamming the car door shut, Skylar and the group of hunters that exited the SUV walked behind Gerard. Well technically, Skylar walked next to him.

"Careful gentlemen, Skylar. Something wicked this way comes."


"Derek. . .Back off." Chris demanded, his group of hunters standing behind him whilst he talked to Derek and Boyd.

Derek smirked. "Back off? That's–that's really all you've got? I gotta be honest, Chris, I was really expecting more from the, uh, big-bad veteran Werewolf Hunter. . ."

Dereks amusement was washed away when a cold sensation struck his back. He had been stabbed one too many times and had become familiar with the sensation. He spun around to see Skylar grinning in the shadows.

She walked forward, smirking. "Derek Hale finally gets to feel the wrath of Skylar Argent. How amazing. Is this the part where I murder you?" She squealed. "Oh wait, before I do that I have to torture you physically and mentally. How about you tell me how your family members are doing? Mama werewolf is as good as dust, right?"

Fury formed in Dereks eyes. He couldn't believe that a back-then seven year old could've lit his house on fire. It is said that craziness often runs in the family and in the case of the blonde Argent, it was true.

Skylar stood next to Chris and the older man smiled. "Didn't anyone ever tell you not to bring claws to a gunfight?" The hunters behind them raised their guns.

Boyd gulped. "That one sounded pretty good."

The hunters, including Chris and Skylar started to fire whilst Derek and Boyd sought protection against the normal and wolfsbane-laced bullets.

Skylar ducked when she saw Boyd running at her. The beta werewolf tried to knock her out but didn't succeed so he moved onto the less-trained hunters.

Chris and Skylar made eye contact from across the space. In that moment, Derek ran out and knocked out the last hunters.

Derek grabbed onto Skylar's collar and roared, readying to smash her face into the concrete floor.

A hunter, who Skylar was pretty sure was named Benji, tased the Alpha. Derek was in momentary pain before he pushed Benji away.
Skylar crawled away whilst that happened. She grabbed a gun and her other dagger, ready to use them if she had to.

Now that her adrenaline had worn off, her body was aching more than ever and the light headed feeling returned like a crashing wave against the shore.


Skylar gasped when she heard her aunts strangled cry.

Victoria ran into Chris' arms and the man observed the bite mark on her shoulder.
Skylar fell to her knees by her aunt.

After years of having an unbreakable stone as her heart, the blonde could feel Beacon Hills slowly cracking it.

The bite mark on her aunts shoulder had already doomed one Argent's fate. A fate that would end in death because as a hunter it was beneficial to follow the code – their law.


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