He Qian said, "In that case, let's go with Class A suppressant spray. It's the highest level, but it is a bit more expensive."

This time, the young man responded much faster, asking, "How much?"

He Qian replied, "Sixty."

The government-provided suppressants were in injection form and only cost one hundred yuan per dose. Since the spray was a temporary solution and couldn't replace injections, sixty yuan was already considered a relatively high price.

The young man took out his wallet, paid, and without waiting for He Qian to take the suppressant, his eyes scanned the items on the shelf.

He quickly located the small bottle corresponding to sixty yuan, reached out, and took it.

He Qian prepared his change and was about to hand him the suppressant, but when she turned around, she saw that the young man had already left.

He completely ignored He Qian calling after him, walked straight out, and before leaving, he glanced at the sign with the flower umbrella logo, showing a look that resembled sympathy.

He Qian: "..."

He Qian checked the time and realized it was almost time to close up. She didn't sit back down and began to tidy up the disorganized merchandise.

However, when she counted the items, she was surprised to find that a bottle of insecticide was missing.

He Qian realized what had happened and her heart sank. She immediately checked the quantity of Class A suppressants and found that their quantity had not decreased.

Because the items had just been brought in and hadn't been labeled yet, the young man had taken her boss's homemade insecticide, which hadn't received a label yet!

He took a bottle of insecticide...

Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. In this case, a careless husband had bought a bottle of insecticide as a suppressant for his dainty wife...

He Qian's heart sank, and she quickly chased after the young man. However, there were only two sets of tire tracks outside the small store, and there was no sign of the man.

Within a hundred meters of the store, He Qian searched nearby establishments, thinking that he might stop somewhere to eat before leaving. But she couldn't find him. The rain had stopped by now, and He Qian reluctantly put away her umbrella and returned to the store. She decided to call her boss.

Her boss's nonchalant voice came through the phone, "Why are you worrying so much? It's not a big deal!"

He Qian replied, "But it's insecticide."

Her boss laughed and said that his homemade insecticide couldn't even kill mosquitoes, let alone a grown person. As long as the young man didn't spray it into his mouth, He Qian should relax.

He Qian: "..."

Which Omega would spray an odor-blocking agent into their mouth? Moreover, is it really something to be proud of that the insecticide can't even kill mosquitoes?

He Qian hung up the phone, feeling her head buzzing.

Fortunately, she was starting school tomorrow and wouldn't be working here part-time anymore. As long as the young man didn't come back today to confront her, she would bid farewell to this place.

However, this day had still been nerve-wracking for He Qian.

Finally, night fell, and it was time for the small store to close.

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