I promptly sat up and stared at him, narrowing my eyes before beginning to poke his shoulder, I don't think I can handle it anymore. After a few consecutive pokes, I just took his shoulder and gave him a shake, startling him out of his sleep, but even then, he snored through it like a champ. Fine.

He's about to be real sorry he slept on his stomach, and without a shirt on.

I smirked ever so slightly as I gently placed my hand on his lower back, rubbing back and forth for a moment before slowly arching my fingers into him. One of our best assets is our long, naturally strong nails that we file with stones into the sharp points we desire. Our nails are said to be as strong as human bone, and if you're part human like me, you utilize this to your full advantage. I disguise this amazing weapon in pretty colors and shiny add-ons, so the humans just think I have acrylic nails. If I dig in hard enough, I could slit their throats with just my pretty little nails. But in this case, I'll just dig the pointed tip of each of my nails in just a little bit before suddenly swiping up the rest of his back.

That woke him up with a sudden jolt,

"F-Fuck, Addie what's your problem?!"

He hissed as he clamored to sit up, thanks to his sudden movement I reckon my nails sunk in a bit deeper than I intended, not that I really care. I giggled a bit and resisted the urge to lick the blood off the tips of each of my nails. I worry if I ever allow myself to taste human blood I won't be able to resist the urge, so I'm seriously going against some slightly natural programming here for human's sake. They should be more grateful for my willingness to spare them by the way.

Sirens and mermaids are like first cousins after all, a lot of our genetics are shared, and a lot of sirens get with mermaids and a lot of mermaids get with sirens. Many of us have mixed genetics, it just depends on how the genetics even out! And I know I must have mixed genetics that balances quite in the middle... because I know I'm a mermaid at heart, but I get tempted sometimes to do very siren-like things... like tasting the blood of a man I just fucked. That's how you get vegetarian sirens and man-eating mermaids as well, it's possible.

Instead, I just cleaned my nails off with my other hand before delicately swiping the blood onto his chest, it both soothed him a bit, as he wasn't aware why I was touching his chest, and kept the blood out of my mouth and off of my expensive linens. I raised a brow and locked eyes with him, smiling just a bit as I sighed,

"Grant, you know I don't like it when people stay in my bed. I let you have your post-performance nap, you know the drill"

I said before throwing the rest of the blankets off of him so he could get up. He does know the drill, he gets a nap, he can take a shower, but then he has to go. But tonight, he let out a long sigh and tilted his head a bit, trying to come across quite sweet with an innocent smile,

"Addie, can I at least like... spend the night somehow? I'll take the chaise, that's fine, I'm not picky"

But I know why they want to spend the night when they ask. It's not because it's fun or they want innocent little cuddles... not that I like those, but they just wanna be able to wake up in the morning and go for round two, and that's usually the last thing I want in the morning. Also... how dare he attempt to disrespect my chaise like that?

"That's my chaise, no one except me lays seductively over my chaise besides me"

I said with narrowed eyes, making him chuckle as I'm sure he thinks I'm kidding, I'm not,

"Fine, can I have the floor?"

He asked next, leaning a little closer to me as if his charm was gonna actually persuade me. It never will, he is one of the more charming guys I'll give him that, with warm brown eyes and bright blonde hair, even some freckles, and the fact that he's an avid tourney player, he's a good-looking guy... doesn't mean I want him in my damn room though. In my opinion, he's far more attractive than Chad is, Chad is only popular because his parents are who they are I'm convinced of it. I crossed my arms and raised a brow,

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