10.5. The Hoshino Bonus!

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Heya, it's Lumine here!

It's been a while ( an entire damn month actually-- ) since I updated. I wanna apologize for that. I've just been so busy, and my energy these days just get sapped out. I barely have any reserves for writing. Even during the weekends I'm STILL doing school work in advance cuz I promised to put myself on an academic grind this year...

( Which paid off actually cuz I've been on time with my submissions and i've gotten pretty good scores on recent quizzes! )

So yeah.... I haven't been writing much. Occasionally I get some bit of freedom here and there, which I use to put a few words in for the next chapter of this fic. But I don't wanna spend too much time on wattpad, I have to use the majority of that small freedom to attend for my relationships in my personal life yk?

These days I truly feel like a walking zombie, but I've never felt better at the same time. Which is weird. But it is what it is.

I got some freedom here to write....but the actual chapter is far from ready yet. I'm not even gonna sugarcoat it with you all. It's probably gonna take another month-- maybe even LONGER. Everything is just so hectic so I can't really quicken my pace when my mind is all out of batteries each day I get home....so sorry again about that ;-;

But I thought I'd at least upload a short chapter. A filler chapter that explores more of the Hoshino triplets moments, taking place before the big reveal of Beryl's past identity as Kiyotaka.

These little snippets have just been sitting in my thoughts for far too long! It's time I make it canonical for the fic. 

Hopefully, however short this is, I'm hoping you guys can enjoy it either way!

Ah, but don't expect any of my usual standard writing in this short chapter. Expect a lazier or more casual writing style for this one, since the content are just canonical snippets I can only implement in filler.


1.  Blanket.

( Takes place when the triplets are in middle school )

Aqua: * Sees Ruby sprawled on the couch, sleeping peacefully, without a blanket.*

He frowns before sighing and fetching one from the drawers. He walks back into the living room and then drapes the comfortable fabric over her sleeping figure as gentle as he can without waking her up. After finishing the deed, he patted Ruby's head, eliciting a hum of contentment from the young girl.

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