"Hm, am I just stupid ? " You said.

"Did you need some help ? " A voice said from behind you, making you jump a little.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. " The voice said.

"No it's okay, but yes, if you wouldn't mind. " You said.

"It's not a problem. " The voice said.

"What's the apartment number ? " The voice asked.

"2110. " You said.

"Oh, you're right across from me, come let me show you. " The voice asked.

"Thank you." You said.

"Yeah, of course, it's just right here. " It said.

"Oh okay, thank you again. " You said.

"Yeah, I'm right here if you need anything. " The voice said.

"You must be new ? I've never seen you around before ?" They asked.

"I am actually. "You said.

"I had a feeling. "'They said with a smile.

You smiled back.

"I'm Heeseung. " He said with his hand out.

"Kaira. " You said shaking his hand.

"Oh you're from America ? " He said.

"California actually, but same thing. " You said.

"Wow, that's cool. " He said.

Heeseung was very tall, with black hair and brown eyes, he was wearing a sweater, and some baggy denim pants with a backpack, he was very cute.

"Well, just knock if you need anything ? " He said with a smile.

"Thank you I will. " You said.

"Okay good, see you later. " He said once more before going into his apartment.

"No ! Milo ! " He said as his dog walked out of his apartment and ran towards me.

"Awe, hey cutie pie. " You said bending down to pet him.

Milo had black ears, and a brown and white coat with blue eyes, he seemed pretty young.

"Milo- ugh, i'm sorry, I just got him a few days ago, so he doesn't really listen that well right now, Milo. " Heeseung added trying to calm him down.

"No, it's okay, he's so beautiful, how old his he ? " I asked.

"A year I believe so, I rescued him." Heeseung added.

"What a baby, he's beautiful, I have an aussie back at home named Kiro. " I said petting Milo.

"He's my first dog, so I'm still learning. " Heeseung said scratching his head.

"Let me know if you ever need help. " I said.

"Really ? " Heeseung said.

"Yeah I was a dog tranier for a few months before I went into writing. " I said.

"That would be amazing thank you. " Heeseung said.

"Yeah, of course. " I said.

"Are you an english major ?" He asked.

"I am, third year actually. " I said.

"Oh really ? did you get transferred to a University here ? " He added.

"I did, I'm finishing the rest of my third and last year at Seoul Uni. " I said.

"Oh shit no way, that's where I go, I'm in my third year too, Ima Art Major. " He said.

"Oh really ? what kind of art major ? " I asked.

"Music. " He said.

"Oh that's cool. " I said.

"Yeah anyway, sorry I should let you settle down. " He said.

"Yeah, it was nice meeting you. " I said.

"You too Kaira. " He said with a smile.

"Come Milo. " He said one last time before going inside.

You headed inside your apartment shortly after.

- - - 
a/n: hi enegenes !! this is it for chapter 1 !! i hope you all enjoy the story !! i cannot wait to write more chapters for you all !! until next time !! be sure to vote on your favorite chapters along the way !!

- with love,
- maya 🩶

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