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i love how a lot your loved ones will die before you and there's nothing you can do about it. it's just an unstoppable march of time slowly guiding everyone to their deaths. life truly is horrible, it doesn't matter how good your life is, because it's all gonna go away eventually and you'll be left all alone with nothing but your memories of what once was the good days. let me tell you, the good days don't exist. it's all a facade to protect you from the true purpose of life; to be born, survive, and die. luckily, our lives are short, so it'll all be over soon. we'll find peace in the world of dreams and live the facade all over again, eternally this time.

i hate how most people believe everything's okay, and the majority of people who don't have a pretty crappy life. if this earth is going to give us a "life" to live, it should at least make it good for everyone. i think everyone should feel happy in the short amount of time that they're alive, regardless if true life is cruel.

does anybody agree with this? am i not the only one angry at life for tricking us?

sorry if i just changed the way you see the world, but i needed to release this somehow. i don't want to bottle it up anymore.

also, this isn't a suicide note. sorry if you thought it was.

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