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Natasha wasn't sure what she thought about her newly developed abilities. As she confidently expected, she wholly and quickly mastered her required training, but she wasn't sure what to think about her enhancements. The Red Room had slightly enhanced her with additional strength, stamina, endurance, and agility, which made her a proficient spy and Avenger. Why would Natasha need any more than what she had? Steve had accepted the idea more than she had because, in his mind, the Norn Stones further strengthened his human capabilities. It was similar to how the super soldier serum operated, so it wasn't like it made Steve less of a human.

Natasha honestly had no idea what was so troubling about the Norn Stones; it wasn't like her stone had bestowed Natasha with those superpowers: telekinesis, flight, superstrength, or any of those typical capacities. However, Natasha noticed a slight change in her intelligence, as well as her agility, strength, and endurance. It was like her humanity couldn't exhaust her anymore; it was almost like she could take on a million adversaries. It was almost like Natasha was immortal; she was even more extraordinary and invincible, but at what hidden cost? Natasha never complained about it, but she dealt with an unruly twinge in her side, the same side where Parker Robbins shoved that Norn Stone into. It was unusual and slightly concerning because the Black Widow serum had endowed her with a higher pain tolerance, so it was almost impossible that she would still suffer from the Norn Stone's effects.

Natasha wondered if Steve experienced the same side effects. Most likely, that wasn't the case, as they both received different versions and quantities of the super-soldier serums. Regardless, Natasha had endured the discomfort since it first emerged, and she was confident that it would all be worth it in the end. At least, that was what Steve always promised, and Natasha wasn't sure if she wanted to believe that anymore, at least when she looked back at how her life turned out because she never disagreed with Steve. Natasha wouldn't think about that now; it wasn't like she could back out now.

Natasha wasn't sure what Parker and Wanda had talked about, but she behaved slightly differently when they returned. Wanda was apprehensively and cautiously listening to Parker and Steve, but then she wholeheartedly agreed with their every word. It seemed that whatever Parker said to her convinced her enough to trust him, so if Steve and Wanda were entirely on Parker's side, then Natasha should have no reason not to do the same.

"Hey, Natasha. How's the training?" Steve asked as he entered Natasha's personalized training room.

"I don't think I need much training, Steve. I am confident in my abilities."

"Great. Well, keep up the good work. Parker said he would check on your progress once he is finished with Wanda."

"I will be ready for him."

"I know you will. Anyway, it would be best if you focused more on your training. With Tony's unpredictable and dangerous nature, we can't afford to lose even a second of training."

"No one knows that better than me. Steve. After all, who was the one who had written that report about him?"

"And you were very much accurate in that report, Natasha. Anyway, let's continue with the training."

"Already on it."


Steve was indebted to Parker Robbins. Who knew what Steve would have done if Parker hadn't rescued Steve and Natasha from the RAFT? He knew that his imprisonment was unjust: his sentence was too excessively severe and unwarranted. Although, Steve realized that he shouldn't have bothered Tony. Steve should have left Tony alone and moved on to lead the Avengers without Tony's involvement in the team as he had initially done.

At the same time, Tony had already proven that his unchecked and unregulated behavior was too erratic and unpredictable. Steve still couldn't believe that Tony had the audacity to blame the Ultron incident on Wanda when Tony willingly created Ultron without the team's knowledge and regulation. It was a wise decision to restrict Tony as a consultant rather than a team member; Steve didn't automatically want to believe Natasha's report, but Tony never participated as a team player. Steve had granted Tony so many chances, but all he ever did was question Steve's authority and actively undermine him. It was like Tony had never trusted Steve.

Steve's side had a slight twinge, but he couldn't recall a moment when he had recently injured himself. Regardless, Steve could barely feel it on most occasions, so he treated it as only a minor inconvenience. Besides, one insignificant injury wouldn't prevent him from protecting Earth. Besides, he had received worse injuries in previous struggles.

Initially, Steve was skeptical about receiving powers from the so-called 'Norn Stones.' He never wanted to be anything more than a human, and that was what he liked when Erskine selected him for the super soldier experiment; it made him into the man he was always destined to be without the unnatural and unnecessary superpowers. It seemed like the Norn Stones had provided him with the same comfort. Parker Robbins could have easily made Steve an unstoppable and immortal creature, but instead, Parker allowed Steve to preserve his humanity, further enhancing what the super soldier serum granted him.

Steve only wanted the Avengers to reunite: Him as its rightful leader with Natasha, Clint, Thor, Bruce, Sam, Wanda, Bucky, and even Tony. As the bigger man, Steve would forgive Tony and accept him back on the team despite his many betrayals, although he would have to abide by the strict constraints on him.

"Steve?" Wanda approached him. She looked better; Parker must have trained her well. She seemed more confident, and even Steve strangely sensed an aura surrounding Wanda, which he had never been able to do before.

"Hi, Wanda. What do you need?"

"I think...Parker did something to me."

"Like what?"

"He..." Wanda shook her head and then looked back at Steve with a smile. "Never mind, Parker finally trusted me enough to have a Norn Stone of my own yesterday. Maybe I am not used to the effects yet." Even Steve had the same issue when he received the super soldier serum, and even now with the Norn Stone. He could understand Wanda's struggles.

"Don't worry about it, Wanda. These things take time, especially when you already have abilities. You will adjust."

"Thank you, Steve. That's all I needed to hear."

"Anytime, Wanda." Steve wanted that moment again; he only wanted the team to confide in and trust him, but he would only have that back if he fought for it and succeeded. Steve had failed once, but he wouldn't fail again.


Mia attempted to concentrate; she needed to discover more information about Wanda's involvement and Parker Robbins's agenda. There were too many distractions; there was too much noise. What was the matter with her?! There was so much at stake in the most dire situation. Why couldn't Mia concentrate?

"What is wrong with you?" Mia wasn't even aware that someone was behind her. Mia turned around and saw Jessica at the doorway. She looked annoyed as if it inconvenienced her to see Mia in such a state. However, Mia knew it wasn't a genuine sentiment, as she detected the hidden concern, but also because Mia already learned that her negative emotions impacted and manipulated others' emotions. If she weren't careful enough, it would result in some harsh words exchanged or, even worse, brutal quarrels. "Are you alright?"

"I will be."

"You really need to calm down." Mia still overlooked Jessica's tone because it wasn't Jessica's fault that she was in close proximity to Mia's anxieties and frustrations. "Don't you know about the training rooms?"

"The training rooms?"

"Yeah, Tony designed those rooms to be sound-proof and power-proof. Whatever happens in those rooms cannot affect the outside world."

"Really? Interesting."

"Sure. You might want to try it next time." Jessica abruptly left the room in a huff. Well, her passive-aggressiveness wasn't the worst result of Mia's wayward emotions. Regardless, Jessica would no doubt apologize later, but Mia didn't deserve it. Those training rooms seemed like an excellent idea, especially since no one would have to deal with her negativity. Now, all she needed was to find out where those training rooms were located.

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