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"No, thank you," you answer. "I've got to drive home later."

This man is starting to make you nervous. You start to get up but he puts a hand on your shoulder to stop you.

"Is there something wrong?" he asks.

"My friend, Timmy, he works here and just gestured me over. I need to go see what it's about."

After a long, tense moment he lets you go. You hurry over to the bar where you catch Timmy's attention.

"What's up? Want a refill?" he asks.

"Can I have an angel shot?" You ask, aware that Mr. Blond might be listening in. You watch as Timmy's face grows dark.

"Who's bothering you?"

You shake your head. "He didn't do anything but I didn't feel comfortable. It's that guy by the end of the bar, with the blond hair and red tee."

Timmy nods and signals to Theo and the bartenders to keep an eye on him.

"How about you stay and help out for a bit on my side of the bar," Timmy suggests.

Later that night, you're getting into your car when you see Mr. Blond leading a very pretty redhead into an alleyway. As you pass by in the safety of your car you glimpse them kissing avidly.

You acknowledge that Mr. Blond was probably just trying to be nice to get some favors. And yet you can't deny the queasiness in the pit of your stomach.


Choose Your Own Adventure: Werewolves at Midnight (Female POV)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat