━━━━ ix. the haunting of bonnie

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DAMON SALVATORE❝ what do you think you're doing? do you have absolutely no sense of self-preservation? ❞

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what do you think you're
doing? do you have absolutely no
sense of self-preservation?

┗━━ ◥ ✥ ◤ ━━┛

THE PAST FEW DAYS HAVE been surprising vampire-free but thinking back on it, I'm not sure how reassuring that is. The last time I've seen Stefan, he had been dead-set on killing Damon. Seeing as how I've not heard from either of them since that night, apart from the scarce few replies Stefan left in response to my texts, what exactly had occurred is still pretty much a secret.

Damon really could be dead, for all I know. Yet, some part of me is certain that isn't true. How, I'm not sure. No matter how angry, how devastated Stefan may be, I don't believe he has the nerve to take his own brother's life. Despite everything, blood runs deeper than he thinks.

Still, that does not mean I'm not worried—which in itself, is something I shouldn't be feeling. Since my earth-shattering epiphany that night, I've been unable to rid my mind of these meaningless emotions. When I was younger, I used to be a chronic over-thinker and it is a habit I thought I had grown out of. I've been proven wrong, based on how obsessively my brain clung to his memory nowadays despite my best efforts.

Sometimes, I can almost feel his presence lingering near-by. Honestly, I cannot even tell whether I'm hallucinating or not. Either way, all I can do is ignore those tell-tale signs of attachment and focus on my own life. School, as tedious as it sounds, is pretty important for any sort of future my parents deem worthy hence why I've taken the chance to focus all my energy there. It isn't too bad of a distraction.

Plus, just because there are no vampires disturbing our peace, it doesn't mean we are issue-free completely. Bonnie Bennett has enough of her own witchy problems to deal with. Unfortunately, thanks to Elena's recent heartbreak and her current fall-out with Caroline, she seems to have turned to me for help. Not that I particularly mind, of course. I've always been more of a listener than anything else.

"And then, I ended up at the remains of the old Fell's Church before I woke up back in the woods," Bonnie explains, turning her gaze to me as we walk into school. "So? What do you think?" Honestly, I'm not even sure what to say in response to her daily sleep-walking nightmares.

"I think," I start slowly, "that this is completely creepy and you're being haunted." I mean, if witches and vampires can exist, what is to say that ghosts don't too? "Seeing your ancestor every time?" I shake my head, gesturing towards the crystal that still hangs around her throat. "Didn't your Grams say that the necklace belonged to Emily? Maybe she's using it as a way to communicate with you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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