The assault

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It had taken Nikki some convincing to let me do the blades up on her wrists.
"Do I get any blades?" Asked Jess.
"I'm sorry, no." I replied. "I killed someone and stole the blades and thought on giving them Nikki, and the other ones are for Christian."
"I understand." She said sadly.
"But if we kill someone, I'll take the blades for you, alright." I said to Jess.
Jess smiled and nodded.
"Nikki, Jess. Follow me. We need to get out of here."
I know for a fact that Aiden is going to be at the assassin compound. That's why we're going to hit that first.
We left the room and took a left, turning to the stairs and going to the room where I left my pistol. When we got there, it's been ransacked. Fortunately, my pistols were still there. We left that room and took another left to another set of stairs and went to the parking lot. Unfortunately, there were some men.
"Nikki, copy what I do." I wispered to her. I flicked my left and right wrists back and plunged the blade into the back of the necks of the two guards who had their backs to me.
Upon seeing this, Nikki did the same thing. Flicked both her wrists back and plunged the blade into the back of their necks. Jess looked at this and looked in amazement and wanting to try.
"Zain, did they have any blades on their wrists?" She asked.
"We need to be sneaky, not going on an assault. That's only when we get into the compound." I replied.
With that, she went quiet. I searched the dead guards I killed for the blades for Jess.
I'm pretty sure every assassin is supposed to have a hidden blade?
I saw an SUV, which, for some reason, looked familiar.
"The prick said he got rid of the SUV a few years back!" I exclaimed. "So what else has he been lying about?"
"What do you mean?" Asked Nikki.
"You see that SUV?" I asked. Nikki nods. "Aiden said he got rid of it. I loved that SUV."
"Then take it back. Take the SUV back with us to the compound." She said. "Rub it in his face."
"He thinks he killed me. I want it like that for the moment."
"You are also going for the element of surprise as well, aren't you?" Asked Jess.
"You could be the next leader for the assassin's." I said. Nikki has the look of disgust. She probably thought that I was going to choose her. Of course I wasn't. I was going to choose her to lead with me. Lead the Hellfire's.
"What about me?" Nikki asked sadly.
"I got something else for you." I replied.
I heard music playing on speakers from one of the SUVs. The song was playing was "Reminds me of you." Wow, they must be heartbroken.
I snuck my way up to the guard and kicked the back of his leg, and punched the blade into the side of his neck. I reached the SUV, and of cause, it had to be the one that was playing, "Reminds me of you." I signalled Nikki and Jess to sneak over to the SUV. When they got to me, Nikki told me to move over, and she took the wheel.
"How are you with speed?" I asked Jess.
"Terrible!" She exclaimed.
"Put the seat belt on and hold tight." I said back.
As soon as Jess put her seat belt on and held tight, Nikki had punched the accelerate pedal. There were about 5 or 6 gears.
"Has this baby been put to the last gear?" Asked Nikki.
"No, not as I know of." I replied back. I smiled because I know that she was now going to try to put the SUV into last gear.
"Maybe that might be the reason why me and Nikki get along well." I replied.
I leaned over to kiss Nikki, and she leaned back and taking her eyes off the road.
I looked back at Jess and realised that she is crying.
"Oh fuck. You really are scared, aren't ya?" I asked.
"Nikki, slow down, the corners coming round remember." I told Nikki.
"Oh fuck yeah!" She had realised where she was and slowed down and took a right down what looks like a long drive-way to the compound.
"Take us to the back." I told Nikki.
She took us to the back, and we got out.
"Alright, girls, remember the plan. Jess, you just got to choke them out." I said.
"On it." Said Jess.
"I remember." Said Nikki.
I had found my ear phones that I had left in the room before I got kicked out. So I had put some music on. I decided to play "Valhalla calling."
We walked through the door, and I was the last one through because I had to close the door quietly so no one would hear. We all hid behind a pillar so no one would see us. There were two guards walking towards. I took the one on the left, and Nikki took the one on the right. I plunged the blade into the eye, and Nikki plunged into the throat, which, he is now gurgling on his own blood.
We moved from the pillar and moved to the crate near the door. Three more guards came from the door and noticed the other two guards on the floor.
"Nikki, wait here!" I mouthed to her.
I leapt to the three guards at inhuman speed and ripped one heart out, and I felt it still beating and stabbed the second guard in the throat. The third I needed to feed, so I took his blood.
Jess stood there in scared knowing now I'm a vampire.
"Yo- you're a vampire?" She asked.
"Been one for the last few days. Nikki was the first person I told." I replied back.
"You're a fucking vampire Zain. In an assassin compound. What you are running as a suicide mission." Exclaimed Jess.
"I know it is!" I said happily. "Puts on a twist for the mission!"
Jess looked at me worryingly.
"Jess, he's got this." Said Nikki, trying to reassure her. "He saved me from someone who was stronger and bigger than himself. Somehow."
"He was a member of the assassin's. We all would have been taught under the same principles and same teaching." I said. "Now that I've said that out loud, they probably mean the same thing."
Nikki and Jess had just laughed at what I had just said.
"Not my fault Aiden never let me go to school!"
"Wait, I just realised that we're having a conversation with Zain." Said Jess when the realisation hits. "How is he hearing when all I can hear is valhalla calling?"
"My hearings enhanced. If I concentrate on one person in that conversation, I can basically eavesdrop." I replied.
"Rude." Jess whispered.
"Ain't, not if you're an assassin or a member of hellfire." I said.
"Alright enough, bickering back on mission, you two!" Sounds like Nikki had enough.
"Right, yes, enough. Concentrate on he mission." I said.
As when "Valhalla calling" ended, we turned around the corner and saw Aiden.
"Get back round quick!" I said to Nikki and Jess. "Aiden's just around the corner!"
We all rush back around the corner, so Aiden wouldn't see us.
"There's no point in trying to hide!" Shouted Aiden. "I know you are here due to the pistol of Adam!"
"Wait, the pieces of Adam are real?" I questioned. "I thought Josh lied about that."
"Nikki, get the fuck out of here!" I said. This js the first time she heard fear in my voice. "If he's a vampire, his blood lust and his thurst for a fight isn't a great mix. Trust me. I've been there and still am in a way."
"You do you want Nikki for?" I asked.
"I thought you were dead, Zain?" Asked Aiden, worried.
"Is that a hint of fear in your voice, Aiden? If so it's so fucking obvious!" I exclaimed.
"No, I never get scared." He replied. Still with the hint of fear.
He had run but quicker than a normal human.
Fuck, he's a vampire.
"Nikki, get the fuck outta here! NOW!" I shouted, scared for her.
I had ran inhumanly at Aiden to try to slow him down. I plunged the blade into his abdomen and then into his throat.
That should slow him down.
When I turned to leave, I got stabbed by a sword into my stomach. I looked behind me and saw Aiden holding the sword.
"Oh fuck. For someone who is a vampire, I forgot that you're now immortal." I let out a sigh of regret. "Fuck!"
I walked from off the blade unsheathed mine. It had a ringing sound when I waved it around when I unsheathed it.
Aiden swung at me, and I deflected it, and his sword went backwards, so I had a chance to swing at him, so I swung and got the sword stuck in his shoulder.
"You prick." Aiden exclaimed. "I wish I killed you on that day I killed your family!"
I let out a sigh of relief.
"Thank you for telling me that you've killed my family!" I exclaimed happily.
"Huh, what you mean?" Aiden asked.
I give him a smile and run to the wooden chair and break it to make a steak.
"You're going to steak me, aren't you?"
"No, I'm going to give you the steak." I replied.
I walked up to him. He was going to take the steak, but I twisted his wrist and broke it. I then plunged the steak into his chest. When the steak went into his chest, his face went all grey with veins coming out of his face.
"You kill my family. I'll fucking kill you. You fucking backstabbing thing!" I exclaimed. "Plus, the fucking pistol of Adam would've seen your fucking death if you saw me here!"
Nikki and Jess came around the corner and saw me holding the steak in Aiden's chest.
I pick up the Pistol of Adam and put it in my holister.

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