Man: miss Potts

Pepper: yes

Man: can I speak to you for a moment

Pepper: I'm not part of the press conference  but  it's about to begin right now

Man: I'm not a reporter   I'm agent Phil coulson  with the strategic homeland intervention  enforcement  and logistics division  (handing her a card as pepper took it)

Pepper: that's quite a mouthful

Phil: I know   we're working on it

Pepper: you know  we've been approached  already  by  the DOD
The FBI   the CIA

Phil: we're a separate division  with a more specific focus   we need to debrief
Mr. Stark  and  Ms. Jones  about  the circumstances  of  they're escape

Pepper: I'll put something in the book
Shall I

Phil: thank you

Cut to Obadiah on stage about to announce  Tony and Carly  but then looks down  to see Tony and Carly on the floor seating down as they both grab another cheeseburgers from their pockets

Tony: hey  would  it be all right   if everyone  sat down   why don't you just sit down   that why you can see me and Carly and I can

(As all the reporter's all sat down on the floor)

Carly: a little less formal  thank you

(As Obadiah sat down next to Tony and Carly on the stage)

(While Rhodes walks in seeing what was happening  he looks over at pepper)

Rhodes: (whispers) what's up with the love in

Pepper: don't look at me   I don't know what  they're up to

(Tony and Carly look over at Obadiah )

Tony: good to see you  good to see you
I never  got to say goodbye to dad
I never  got  to say  goodbye to my father 

Carly: and I never got to say goodbye to my mother  either   there's  questions  that  both me and Tony  would've asked them 

Tony: I would've asked him  how he felt about  what the company did  if  he and Carly's mom ever had doubts

Carly: or maybe  they were every inch the people  we all remember from the newsreels    we saw young Americans killed  by  the very weapons  me and Tony  created  to defend  them and protect them

Tony: and  we saw  that  me and Carly had become part of  a system  that is comfortable  with  zero accountability

(A reporter raises his hand)

Reporter: Mr. Stark  Ms. Jones

Tony: yes Ben

Carly: yes

Reporter: what happened over there

(Both Tony and Carly got up and went to the podium on stage )

Tony: we had our eyes  opened   both me and Carly  came to realize  that  we have more  to  offer  this world  then just making things  that blow up  and that is why  effective immediately  we are shutting down  the weapons manufacturing  division  of  Stark&Jones  international

(As Obadiah went up to Tony and Carly as the press has a million questions they were asking  )

Carly: until  such time  as  both me and Tony  can decide  what the future of  the  company  will be

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