chapter three

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As the us airplane was landing in air force base as  happy and Pepper were waiting for Tony and Carly
As the back of the plane opens  as Rhodes and a solider help Tony and Carly down as Tony and Carly both have as cast on their arms  as they walked to pepper as soliders had Gurnees for Tony and Carly

Tony: are you kidding me  with this
Get rid of them

(As Tony and Carly walked up to pepper)

Tony: your eyes are red  a few tears for your long lost boss and best friend

Pepper: tears of joy   I hate job hunting

(As Carly hugs pepper as she let out a few tears  seeing her best friend again)

Tony: yeah  vacation's over

Cut to Tony Carly and pepper inside the car as happy was driving

Happy: where to sir and ma'am

Pepper: take us to the hospital please happy 

Tony/Carly: (in unison)  no

Pepper: no   Tony  Carly  you both have to go to the hospital

Tony: no is a complete answer

Pepper: the doctor has to look at  you two

Carly: doctors already looked at us at the base with rhodey   we're both fine pep

Tony: we don't have to do anything   me and  Carly  have been  in captivity for three months   there are two things we both want to do    we want American cheeseburgers  and  the other

Pepper: that's enough of that

Carly: no no no no  pepper  is not what you think   we want you to call for a press conference  now

Pepper: call for a press conference

Tony: yeah

Pepper: what on earth for

Carly: happy  drive  cheeseburgers first

(As they drive away from the air force base)

Cut to stark&Jones industries building as the car pulls in  as everyone was there cheering and applauding as Obadiah opens the car door  for  Tony and Carly

Obadiah: look at this!   Tony  Carly
(As Obadiah hugs Tony and Carly) we were going to meet at the hospital

Tony: no  we're both fine

Carly: yeah  we're good to go  Obie

(As happy came out with a burger King bag  as  Tony and Carly grabs a cheeseburger  out of the bag )

Obadiah: look at you two    you had to have a burger 

Tony: yeah  well  come on

Obadiah: you get me one of those

Tony: there's are the only ones of those
There's are only one's left  we both need it

(Carly nods in agreement)

Carly: sorry Obie

Cut to stark&Jones industries as they're now  inside As   Obadiah is walking with Tony and Carly into the lobby as reporters and cameras were everywhere  and  everyone cheers and applauded

Obadiah: hey  look  who's here!  Yeah!

(As pepper stayed behind as Obadiah escorted  Tony and Carly to the stage through the crowds of press   as man in a suit  goes up to pepper)

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