Chapter 4

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"Don't be afraid. It's alright now. I'm back." Venti said to Dvalin in a soft tone as the trio watched from behind a tree.

"Is he actually trying to talk to that dragon?" A Liyue man asked surprised.

"I don't think talking with a dragon with the name of Stormterror is a good thing." An Inazuman man said.

"I hope he is alright." Barbara said with a worried look.

"Is he... talking to the dragon?" Paimon said surprised.

But then suddenly the gem on Lumine's clothes shined and wind came out of her surprising them. But it also alerted Dvalin of their presence as the dragon roared out.

"Oh!" Paimon shouted in fear.

The dragon swiped it's large claw at Venti as the bard looked at the action with wide eyes.

"Watch out!" Many in the theatre said at once.

Venti however managed to dodge the attack easily by jumping back and then looked at the direction the tro were with a glare on his face.

"Who's there?" Venti asked as he looked at the trees.

Many in the audience let out a sigh of relief when they saw the bard unharmed. Though it did bring into attention about the way the bard had managed to dodge the attack of the dragon easily.

"How were you able to dodge so easily?" Xinyan asked surprised.

The others also looked at the bard who just chuckled at the question.

"I am a wandering bard. Of course I would have to develop evasive skills to protect myself when danger appears." Venti said with a smile on his face.

'That doesn't mean that he should've been able to dodge so easily.' Alhaitham thought to himself as he looked at the bard.

The others looked at him at his reply but seeing that he wasn't going to answer them they decided to leave it at that and focused on the screen.

The group watched as Venti took a few steps back as he disappeared in a teal light of Anemo in front of them surprising the three. But their attention was taking by the dragon roaring and shaking his body sending winds out before he flew into the sky.

"How did you do that?" Klee asked surprised when she saw that.

"It's not that difficult you know. Any Vision user is capable of doing that." Venti said offhandedly.

"But I have to say that I've not seen a Vision user who could disappear like that in their own element." Kaeya said with a smirk on his face.

"Even though I am capable of moving myself using Geo energy, others are still able to see how I move. But you vanish on the spot, that's a lot more than what a Vision user can do." Ningguang said as she looked at Venti with a calculative eye.

"I agree. Even I would have trouble doing that." Mona said as she eyed the bard.

"Aww, thank you for the praise." Venti said with a smile before he looked at the screen.

The audience were surprised at his reaction before they decided to not question him and look at the screen.

'I hope this viewing will show us what his powers are.' Ningguang, Mona and almost all the people in the theatre thought this.

Meanwhile Dvalin is sulking a bit due to attacking Barbatos while Andrius soothed the dragon.

"That was close! Paimon almost got blown away! Luckily Paimon managed to grab hold of your hair! Thanks." Paimon said after the dragon had flew away.

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