A Spooky Poem

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I awoke in the night,

with a grin above my chin,

a stroke of inspiration,

you might say.

I wanted to write a spooky poem,

one rattled from my dream into our domain.

So, I got out the notebook, beside my bed,

but all the pages were blackened with scribbles.

A peculiar inky mess,

on the back, I guess I etched,


in my sleep.

I then went to walk down to my office,

but I slid on the second step.

Wetness slapped my bottom,

as viscous crimson cascaded downstairs.

I let out a sigh and decided to find,

a new pair of pajamas to wear.

Back to my bedroom I ventured,

and slipped within the large walk-in.

A resounding moan bounced off the closet walls,

and rattled my dresser drawer.

Most bizarre, but have no fright, for it seems the pipes,

just must be expanding tonight.

Adorned with a fresh set of night ware,

my excitement now feeling impaired,

I collapsed on my mattress,

to drift off to my dreams,

but the ghoul in the corner,

let out the worst scream.

So, I asked her to stop,

for my adrenaline had dropped.

I promised her then, tomorrow, I will pen,

the spookiest poetic gem.

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