Eggman: "Out of the way Traitor, let me see." Eggman then pushes Snively out of the chair he was sitting on and watched the monitor.
Then Eggman had his eyes wide open as what he saw was nothing more then his archenemy Sonic the Hedgehog destroying his robots where only 4 managing to survive and one of them had no arms.

Eggman: "Ugh it looks like sometimes you just gotta do things by yourself, Snively go and recover the Swat-bots the Hedgehog is mine." Eggman then got on his Eggmobile and starts heading out to Green hill zone to comfort his arch nemesis.

Meanwhile with Sonic

The Blue speedster looked at his destroyed and defeated opponents with a smile on his face.

Sonic: "Well it looks like this battle is over and it didn't even last 5 minutes, well gotta juice."

But before Sonic can run out of the Zone a familiar voice Shouted at him.

Eggman: "Stop there Hedgehog."

Sonic then turns around and smiles.

Sonic: "Well, well, well if it isn't Egghead, what are you planning this time another invasion of Mobius?"

Eggman: "Hmph, as if this planet already has served its purposes for me and I found another planet just like this one to take over."

Sonic: "Huh, another planet like Mobius? Well whatever that plan off yours is I will stop you Egghead."

Eggman: "Then try you Blue mouthed buffoon."

Before the Two enemies were beginning to fight Eggman's ship arrives with Snivley and medical bots to take care of the wounded and surviving Swat-bots.

Sonic then looks at Snively and Smirks.

Sonic: "Well if it isn't the biggest loser of all time, by the way have you gotten over that "girlfriend" of yours by crying."
Eggman: "Hahahaha! Nice joke hedgehog this might be the one time where you jokes are actually good."

Snively then gets angry and accidentally spouts out something to Sonic.

Snivley: "Why you.....just wait until we collect the Chaos emeralds and then we'll see who's laughing now!" But then Snivley realised his mistake but it was too late.

Sonic: "The Chaos Emeralds,So that's what you guys need?"

Eggman then pinches his nose in frustration against his nephew's idiocy.
Eggman: "Snively...Snively...Snively how many times do I have to tell you? THAT YOU DON'T GIVE OUT INFORMATION TO THE ENEMY!!!"

Snively: "I'm sorry my uncle I didn't mean to it was the Hedgehog." Snively said pleading with his angry uncle.

Eggman: "Grrr, I think we are done here hedgehog, Snively we're going back to the base."

Sonic: "Ok See ya later Egghead when we race for the chaos emeralds for the 20th time."

Eggman: "Grrr, I hate that Hedgehog."

Eggman, Snively and the Medical bots who recovered the the remaining Swat-bots and the remains of other Swat-bots went to the Ship as it flys of and leaves Green hill Zone.

Sonic: "Well that wraps this chapter, but it seems like I gotta go collect the Chaos emeralds before Egghead can get to them first." Then Sonic heard some Footsteps coming and it was the Mobotropolis guards coming.

Sonic: "Uh oh it looks like I gotta juice." Sonic then speeds out of Green hill Zone before the guards could see him.

In Eggman's Ship( the main centre)

Eggman: "Blasted Hedgehog, always getting in the way of my plans!"

Snively: "M-My lord it seems like the repairs on the Swat-bots that survived will be done in a week."


Snively was about to go out of the main centre only for the door to be locked.

Eggman: "Oh don't think you'll be getting out of this situation Snively, first you betray me for that damm Queen, and now you revealed the only things we have to transport to Earth, I think I might have a fitting punishment for you." Eggman says that last line with a very evil Smile.

Snively: " W-What is t-t-that p-p-punishment m-my l-lord?" Snively questioned while stuttering.

Eggman: "You will be my personal butler, cleaner, repairer and a maid FOR TWO YEARS HAHAHAHAHA!!!" The mad scientist laughed madly.

Snively then falls down to the ground depressingly.

Snivley:"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" The Nephew of the mad scientist cried out so loudly that even the most isolated place in this planet could hear the screams of despair.

Ending theme

We can't see ahead of us, Mayday
We ramble on in a powerless Motion

Don't turn your eyes away
Show me more of what I don't know

Don't say it's just a coincidence
Realize that it's destiny

It's an Emotion that we always require
I don't need any lies

It's Starting to shine deep inside your chest
Unleash a flash of light powerful like that of a diamond

Now head towards the future that's connected by becoming one
Cut apart the darkness towards a distant place
Breach your limits time and time again
Don't fear, so the hope never stops
Believe to the end, shatter the loneliness (Pierce this sky)
Let this beat resound, BLACK STAR

Narrator pov

Narrator: "As Sonic is wondering how to find the first emerald, he suddenly gets a vision of a familiar place and where the emerald is being kept but as Sonic runs to the Marple Zone which is an ancient place that has burning lavas and hidden traps but Sonic isn't the only one as Eggman's Badniks are also looking for the emerald as well, next time on Sonic: Me Against the World: Marple Zone act 1, the Race is on!"

Sonic: Me Against the world (in a bit of a hiatus)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora