She sits at the stool at the island counter, and her mom turns around to face her. She's got a smudge of waffle batter on her cheek, with ceramic plates with two waffles stacked ontop with two slices of turkey bacon and sautéed potatoes on the side.

"Morning, honey." Her mom Thalia greeted warmly.

Calliope pulls a believable smile, "Morning, mom. Breakfast looks good, that for me?"

Thalia set the plate down on the surface in front of her, "All yours, have at it kiddo." As Calliope grabs the plate her mom turns around and filled a glass cup with her favorite drink, apple juice. "How are you feeling about your first day?" Her mom questioned as she slid the glass cup towards her. "Are you excited at all?"

Calliope catches the cup as she chews a piece of bacon, then she takes a small sip. "I guess. I mean, I met someone cool last night at the school fair with PJ and Josie. So, I'm pretty excited about being able to see her again. Apparently, she's friends with them both. Her name's Hazel."

"Ah, well that's nice." Her mom picks up her mug of coffee and took a slow sip as she leans on the counter, "It's always good to make new friends."

"Yeah." Calliope mutters as she cuts into her waffles with her knife and fork, "How's is the business with Aunt Prim doing? You guys getting along?"

Thalia rolls her deep brown eyes that resemble her own, "'You guys getting along?' Oh my god, you always ask me that. Yes, me and Prim are both fine and so is the business, you don't need to worry about us, darling."

"Hey." Calliope raised a hand in surrender, "I'm just making sure. You're both... hotheads."

Thalia snorted amusedly, "Yes, but we are hotheads who are grown and know how to control our tempers." She looks at Calliope pointedly, "Unlike some people."

"Hey!" Calliope let out in halfhearted indignation.

Thalia chuckles warmly, "It's true and you know it, you get it from me, you're my little firecracker." Calliope rolls her eyes fondly as she chewed a big bite of waffle, "Me and Prim work very well together, actually. Compromises are extremely important."

"Okay, well good. I'm glad you guys and the business are still going strong." Calliope smiles genuinely, "I'm not too crazy on school but... I kind of like it here. I get to see PJ all the time, and I've grown close with Josie, and you and Primrose's relationship is being repaired. I think that this is really good for us."

A look of sincerity flooded her mom's brown eyes, she reached for Calliope's hand and the bottle blonde slips her palm into hers, "I think so too, honey." Thalia nods assuredly, "I'm sure our life will much better here."

"Fingers crossed." Calliope mumbles to herself, crossing her own fingers as a show of faith before she grabbed her fork and stabbed the utensil into a couple of her sautéed potatoes.

Shortly after she finished her breakfast, she washed her dishes clean and pecks her mom's cheek goodbye before making her way to the bathroom. She brushed and flossed her teeth quickly, then she makes her leave and closed the door behind her as she heads back to her bedroom.

She walks to her closet to pick out her shoes for today, she ultimately decides to go with her platformed black Doc Martens and sits on the bed as she shoved the boots onto her feet. She laced up the shoes and raised to her feet, then she grabs her brand new backpack that she's filled with her chosen pick of school supplies that she bought this summer.

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