Everything I Wanted

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as long as i'm here
no one can hurt you
don't wanna lie here
but you can learn to
if i could change
the way that you see yourself
you wouldn't wonder why you hear
they don't deserve you


Freen could feel it; the headache that was forming at her temples and spreading outward. She’d grown far too accustomed with the feeling as it’d been a constant occurrence during her visits to the principal’s office.

Pranita sat to her left, the teenager scowling and sitting back with her arms crossed over her chest.

She’d yet to explain herself, as per usual, which made these interactions all the more difficult.

“Listen,” Araya said as she rested her elbows on her desk. “I can only make so many exceptions. Pranita needs to start acting in check, respecting her teachers, and getting her grades up or else her time at Bangkok High is done.”

Freen sighed, rubbing her temple as she nodded in defeat.

“I understand. Is there anything you’d like to say Nita?” Freen asked, looking to the girl who avoided eye contact and fiddled with her nose ring.

“Alright. I’ll see you on Monday at 7am for detention then,” Araya said, giving the teen a pointed look before rising from her seat. “Thank you for coming in, Ms Freen.”

The two women shook hands while Nita took the chance to leave the office, not bothering to address her principal or the situation for that matter.

Freen left the office and found that her foster daughter had already made her way out of the building and towards the car.

Emily, who had her face buried in her book, seemed to have missed her sister’s exit. Freen took a calming breath before approaching the six-year-old.

“C’mon, love. Time to head home,” Freen said, running a loving hand through Emily's thick locks. She knew that the girl needed to wash her hair soon, but that was a fight for later.

“Where’s P'Nita?” Emily asked, shutting her book and looking around the empty corridor.

“Probably sulking by the car. We better find her before she finds a way to hotwire it.”

“What’s hot wire?” The little girl asked, making Freen laugh.

“Something you don’t need to learn about for a long time,” Freen said, wrapping an arm around the shoulder of the child and leading her out of the building.

The two approached the car to find Nita sitting on the hood, headphones already buried in her ears and some Metallica song playing far too loud for Freen's comfort. She didn’t need a child with hearing problems on top of everything else.

“Lower that down,” Freen said as she tugged a bud from Nita's ears.

“Don’t touch my stuff,” Nita snapped back, clearly not straying from her usual argument.

“I won’t,” Freen said with an even tone, raising her hands in surrender. “Just lower it down a bit. You know that kind of music makes Emily uncomfortable,” Freen reminded, motioning to the little girl who had already found her place in the backseat.

That seemed to get Nita to listen, the teen dropping the volume down significantly as she slid off the front of the car and grabbed her bag from the floor.

Freen knew that if there was one way to get Nita's attention it was through Emily.

The sisters came to her six months ago, both neglected and abused by the foster system, which inadvertently made them incredibly attached to one another. Pranita would protect Emily with her life, that much Freen knew.

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