Jonathan Crane's Favorite Student

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Nobody loves Dr. Jonathan Crane, the cold and strict teacher. Some could label him a sociopath for suspending and punishing students for minor mistakes. He expects perfection from his students, but he is far too demanding. He doesn't listen to anyone, and he's not going to change. But there is one student, Y/N, who is his favorite, his ideal pupil. And he knew, he would even be guilty of it, that this is not how a teacher should see their student, but he was unable to control himself.

Dr. Crane would make you sit in the front seat of every class so he could take a good look at you and see if you understood what he was saying.Sometimes he would come really near to you, making serious eye contact. He would regularly stroke your shoulder, hands, and even pat your head when you say a correct answer.Getting good grades even when you didn't study for the test.Normally, he punishes kids who didn't do their assignment, but when it comes to you, he simply reminds you to do it and walks away.You thought he hated you as he would always make you sit on the front bench, tell you to answer his questions.He would stalk you all over social media, your friends. Find out about your favorite food, colour, place, books, music and most importantly if you had a bf/gf. (Stalker?)Demanding you to stay after school when everyone has left, sometimes to teach you and other times for no apparent reason.He made you remain after school one day, and you were tired but didn't dare to say 'no' to him. He sat quite near to you and began teaching you a topic; at one point, he bent over your head and kissed your cheek.

I'm a Stalker (Cillian Murphy and characters X Reader) Oneshots!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang