☏ | Science Lab

Start from the beginning

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"Where the actual fuck is this guy." Quackity complained in his head.
Cucurucho was in his sight now.
"CUCURUCHO!" "GET OVER HERE!" Quackity yelled.
'What.' Cucurucho said.
"Is it ready? At all?" Quackity asked.
'No. It's breaking.'
"What the fuck. Cucurucho. Your fucking kidding. Your fucking kidding." Quackity said under his breath.
'The creature is returning, the cases are cracking.' Cucurucho said.
"Oh my fucking god.. Really?! I swear to fuck..."
"Your fucking joking. Tell me your fucking joking right now." Quackity looked Cucurucho dead in the eyes, his anger visible. "Oh my god.. This could've worked! This could've fucking worked!"
'It's not my fault.'
"I SWEAR TO GOD! CUCURUCHO!" Quackity's temper just went out the roof, he didn't have a very good time trying to contain his temper at Cucurucho either.
Quackity adjusts his beanie and brushes his hair out his eyes.
'It's not my fault.' Cucurucho held his hand over the burn on his forearm.
"... You know what... Nevermind. It's too... Just go back," Quackity said under his breath, he took his hand off of Cucurucho's shoulder, he wiped his eyes to hide his anger.
Quackity ran off, adjusting his beanie so it wouldn't fall, leaving his ridiculous hairline for all to see.
His short wolfcut-like hair was caressed by the wind, his blue n' black zip-up jacket pushing on his stomach.
"This fucking dumbass.." He sighed, whispering to himself while running.
He needed to speak to [R̶E̶D̶A̶C̶T̶E̶D̶]. He needed to, NOW.
Cucurucho was useless to him currently, he didn't pay attention to the fact that he was going to slam into someone because he was so deep into thought. Quackity bumped into a tall figure, a tall figure with a baggy yellow knit sweater. Wilbur. Wilbur and looked him into the eyes after rubbing his own, seeing Wilbur had almost shattered his glasses from the unexpected moment. Quackity had caught his glasses, somehow.
"Wi.. Wilbuur! Hooooolaaaa!.." Quackity trailed off.
"Hey, Quackity.." Wilbur rolled his eyes in annoyance.
Wilbur picked up his glasses from Quackity's coldass hands.
Quackity scooted back like a little kid in 2nd grade asked him to scoot over and finally stood up, dusting himself off.
"Uhh.. Okay.. Well, if you could maybe just let me go through that would be gr—"
Wilbur shot him a dirty look and slightly cringed.
"No. You need to tell me what you were yelling about." Wilbur said, adjusting his glasses. Quackity forgot that Wilbur had good-enough hearing to hear Quackity's yells from a bit too far.
"Okay.. Well. Me and this guy were.. Planning a little bit of a celebration for everyone on the island!" Quackity awkwardly said, cringing at his own lie. Wilbur knew Quackity wasn't that great at lying to him.
"Yuh uh...?" Wilbur bent down and cringed, looking at the guy in a blue beanie dead in the eyes, standing straight again.
Quackity clears his throat, going into his 'acting' mode to Wilbur.
"We were planning this huge party for everyone and the guy ruined the decors so now I have to order more."
Quackity paused, Wilbur clearly by the expression on his face, knew Quackity was lying.
Quackity coughed to hold in his laughter, "Is that good enough for you, Mr. Music...?" Quackity whispered.
"Sure.. You go do whatever you were doing.." Wilbur shifted to the left and let Quackity through.
Quackity forgot what he was doing.
"Actually.. I kinda forgot at this point." Quackity brushed his hair out his face.
Wilbur didn't speak, he just sat down under a tree and looked at night's sky.
Quackity ran and tried to jump over the river, falling into the water at the last foot.
Wilbur laughs, "Try again next time, Mr. 'I'm so badass.'!"
Quackity rolled his eyes and ran off.
He didn't care anymore.
Quackity's beanie fell off as the wind caressed his hair.
"FUCK!" Quackity yelled to himself.
Quackity reached out for his beanie and saw a beaker with green slime in it.
"What the fuck...?"

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Mr. Halo spoke, "Quackity, are you so sure about this?"
"I am very sure." Quackity said under his breath.
The chair Quackity sat in was sat in front of a drink and the label that said "QuackityHQ" to point out his specific seat.
The signature on the label was drying off because of the fact Mr. Halo had kept rubbing on it.
"Cucurucho confirmed that the eggs were going to be let loose soon, the dragon is coming back!" Mr. Halo exclaimed.
"...Yes. I know." Quackity put on the nicest voice he could in his acting to hide his anger.
Quackity had the beaker of green slime on the floor by his foot and the chair leg.
Mr. Halo stepped towards Quackity.
"He also burned himself.. It's not his fault. The cases are cracking, the eggs will be let loose soon enough." Mr. Halo said.
"We'll just make it look natural, tomorrow when the cases crack, we'll announce the eggs and say that the parents will be paired. If it doesn't work out and the eggs are too violent, we'll have to say that we had technical difficulties." Quackity explained, trying to hold his temper.
"Okayy.. But how do we know it didn't become spread? This is very important!" Mr. Halo dusted off his tie.
"Because the only person I know guaranteed is suspicious is Wilbur."
"So what? He may spread it to others!"
"All I said was that I was planning a party for everyone on the goddamn island, damnnit."
Quackity coughed purposely.
He adjusted his beanie again, brushing the hair out of his face.
Mr. Halo looked worried, you could tell from the pupil outline even though his actual eye blended into the background and the heart of his eyes.
Quackity wanted to punch a hole into something or someone.
All his hope for Cucurucho and the eggs were demolished because Cucurucho pressed the lease button.
"I introduced myself to him earlier, so Cucurucho may be on my side!.. Plus, you know I can be a spy when I need to!" Mr. Halo tried to persuade Quackity.
"I can't fucking care at this point, he's useless to me now!"
"Son of a bitch won't even pay attention to what he presses in HIS OWN GODDAMN LAB." Quackity scowled.
"Look.. Mr. Alex Quackity, I don't know what to s—"
Mr. Halo stepped closer, knocking down the beaker. It spilled on Alex's (Quackity's) foot.
"What the FUCK did you jus..?" Quackity trailed off.

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