Chapter 6

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Jacob and I waited for about 30 minutes till Joseph and John got into the car. I started to drive without saying a word to any of the brothers. I felt the tension build up as we drove back to my house.

We finally made it back to my house and I decided to get away from all the brothers for a bit. I made my way upstairs into my craft room and locked the door behind me so they couldn't come inside. Deciding on what to work on I grabbed out my things to work on making clothing. I pulled out my mannequin that had some fabric already pinned on it and started to work away on trying to finish the bottom of the dress I was making. After a few minutes of working, I decided to play some music so that I could distract myself more from my thoughts.

After getting the bottom part attached to my mannequin, I heard knocking coming from my door. I let out a sigh and decided to open the door, seeing Joseph standing there. "Would you like to join us for some food little one?" He asked me, I just nodded at him and turned off my music and followed him downstairs. The other two brothers sat silently waiting for us to come downstairs to start eating. "So will you guys tell me what's going on now?" I asked after a few minutes of silence. The brothers froze up at my question, but Joseph finally nodded his head and let out a sigh. "Yes, we will tell you everything little one." Joseph said once he finished his bite of food.

They finished explaining everything to me about the religion, the deputy and why they were there, and what exactly they did. I could tell they were all worried about telling me the part about what they did, especially John, but I didn't really mind what they did if they didn't try to push these beliefs onto me. They all seemed shocked that I didn't care too much about what they do but it's what they are passionate about, and I don't want to stop them from that. After talking and eating we all decided to go watch a movie in my bedroom since I have a TV in there. Once we were up there, I sat between Jacob and John as Joseph sat beside Jacob. We put the movie on and cuddled against one another.

Once the movie finished, I noticed that John was sleeping on me, so I tried to move him to not disturb him. As soon as I got him moved over and sleeping in a comfortable position there was sound of glass shattering downstairs. All the brothers shot up, including John, they pulled out a gun each as they moved towards my bedroom door. "Jacob, stay here with Y/N while me and John go take a look." Joseph said as John and he left my bedroom door. I grabbed onto Jacob's shirt scared, trembling. "It'll be okay little one." Jacob told me as he kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer. After a few more seconds we heard lots of screaming and gunshots from downstairs. I let out a scream and covered my ears not used to the sounds. As soon as they started the shouting and gunshots quickly disappeared, we heard running up the stairs and Jacob aimed his gun towards the door ready for someone to come in. John and Joseph ran through the door, "We need to leave, now." John said as he started to grab my clothes and stuff them into one of my bags. "What's going on?" I whispered out and looked at them noticing there was blood on their clothing. "We'll explain soon, but we need to leave." Joseph answered me as he tried to grab a few more things that I would need.

After we quickly packed up and piled into the car we started to drive to John's farmhouse. Jacob had to drive as I was still shaky from what happened. "Are you okay baby girl?" I heard Joseph ask me from the front seat. "I will be." I whispered back as I tried to control my shaking. I felt a hand grab my own and looked up to see John staring at me. "It'll be okay my love." John told me as he pulled me towards his side. I snuggled up to him trying to find comfort. As some time passed by, I fell asleep cuddled into John's side.

I woke up feeling John moving, I opened my eyes to see we had stopped outside of John's farm. We all grabbed our things and made it inside. Once settled inside we talked about what happened at my house. John and Joseph told me that the deputy had come with some resistance members to kill them but luckily John and Joseph shot a few of them and they ran off before they were shot also. I was happy to hear that they weren't hurt in any way and cuddled against them as a thank you. I was still a little shaken about everything that went down at my house and was too nervous to leave any of the brothers now.

Sadly, both John and Joseph had to leave to go shower and change their clothing. I decided to curl up against Jacob when they left. I felt safe in his arms and the warmth radiating off him was the best feeling. "Are you okay little one?" I heard Jacob whisper to me. I shakily nodded my head at him not trusting my voice now. Jacob's arm tightened around me, so I looked up at his face seeing the anger on it. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him, "I'll be fine Jacob. Please don't be angry." I whispered out. He tensed at the sudden hug but slowly wrapped his arms around him and pulled me closer to him. "How can I not be angry little one? They came to your house and wrecked it trying to kill me and my brothers. Next time I see that deputy they are dead meat, I'll feed them to my wolves." Jacob huffed out with anger in his tone. I looked at him in shock from the anger, his arms tightened around me from the anger that he was feeling. I winced a bit when I saw the angry look in his eyes, getting a bit nervous I tried to back away from his hold. Jacob looks down at me and his face becomes softer once he sees the nervousness on my face. "I'm sorry little one, I did not mean to scare you." He apologizes in a soft tone and pulls my head to his chest.

Soon both Joseph and John come into the living room freshly cleaned, they sat down on the couch next to each other as they stared at us. "How are you feeling baby girl?" I hear Joseph ask in a soft tone. "I'm doing better." I answer back as I sit up to stretch a bit. "Can we watch a movie and cuddle?" I ask softly with a blush on my cheeks. "Of course, my love." Joseph answered back as he stood up and held out his hand towards me to take. I take the hand up and stand up while he leads me to cozy room with a big bed and TV in front of it. I see John and Jacob walk in as I was getting under the blankets of the bed, the brothers climbed into the bed with me as John put on the movie. As we all laid there watching the movie I began to get tired and closed my eyes falling into a deep sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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