Chapter 26: You will not take her!

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Alec was assigned to bring Edward around the castle for the mission. Edward, so far, hasn't heard any thoughts of treason or deception.

"Cullen, why did you even try talking to my daughter? You don't like us. Remember?" Alec finally asked.

"Well, I uhh was just being friendly." He thanked God. Alec couldn't read his thoughts about Olivia being his mate.

However, Alec called him put on his bluff.

"Bullshit, Cullen. Why were you being nice to my daughter?!"

Edward took an unnecessary gulp and avoided his eyes.

Alec finally put it together. "Oh hell no! You are not my daughters mate! I will prove it. Let's go see Master Marcus."

It didn't take them long to reach the throne room.

"Master Marcus, please tell Cullen Livy isn't his mate!" Alec shouted but begged at the same time.

Marcus grimaced, feeling bad for the news he was about to give.

"Alec, I'm sorry, but I can't. I see a mate bond between them."

"Dammit! You will not take away my daughter Cullen! Just wait till Aro hears." Alec raced off to his and Ari's room.
With Alec gone, Edward decided to call Carlisle to check in and give him an update.

"Hey Carlisle, how are things going? Is Renesmee doing OK? "

"Renesmee is ok, Edward. However, I see what you were talking about with Bella. She also hasn't been here for more than 30 minutes in 2 days. I believe she is up to something."

Edward sighed. Normally, he would be upset by her ignoring their child and sneaking off to what seems like possibly cheating.

"It might best for the family if she were to be removed from the coven. I blame myself for this. The only thing I don't regret in our relationship is Renesmee." Edward said while sitting down.

"Edward, you would be ok of being separated from your wife? You said she should be removed, not we be removed. Will you stay with us, son?"

Edward knew he needed to be honest with Carlisle.

"You were right, Carlisle. Bella is NOT my mate. Olivia Volturi is. Marcus confirmed it, and Alec is plotting my death most likely as we speak."

While Edward had his head in his hands, Carlisle was on the other line laughing.

"I'm sorry that I'm laughing, son. But can you imagine older Olivia and Emmett together? Those 2 would probably horse around so much that Esme will have to start buying plastic things versus glass."

Edward started to chuckle. He could see that. Even though she may only be a child (today), she has a goofy and down to earth attitude.

"I don't know if that will ever happen. Alec is pretty pissed. He said, and I quote,'You will not take my daughter, Cullen!' Then he went to plot my death. You were right about her temper, too."

"Ahhh, let me guess. You got kicked in the shin?" Carlisle chuckled.

"Oh yeah. Both Alec and I felt her furry. I called her little, not being mean, but apparently, she didn't care."

Carlisle was once again laughing.

"Is everything else going ok there, Edward?"

"Yeah so far. Carlisle, did you notice a difference here since the princesses have been found? It's like a normal family here. Aro is less crazy, Caius is less angry, and Marcus isn't sad anymore."

"Yes, I did notice. They all have changed for a better. I do believe it will also show in trial preceding. However, they are also scared of having this new life and family taken from them, hence the reason why you are there."

Edward heard someone coming, and the door opened to reveal Aro.

"Hey Carlisle, I need to go now. Please give my love to Renesmee, and I will be home soon."

Before Carlisle could reply, he hung up.

"I do believe we meed to talk, Edward." Aro said with no emotion.

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