Chapter 14: Hot girl!

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Felix POV

"Demetri, Alec, would you guys help me get our mates some breakfast? I asked.

"It is about that time, isn't it? Cassie will need another cup of blood and real food. Not just some moldy bread. Let's bring them some real human food!" Demetri said.

"Do you think a 6 year old will like all of that, or should I just skip to the sugary cereal?" I asked the guys.

"Bring her the same thing as we bring the others. She needs good food to grow big and strong. I know you want her to like you, Felix, but her body needs healthier things right now." Alec pointed out.

"Ok. That makes sense. Let's make them a plate. Alec will head to Arianna's room, and you and I, Demetri, shall head to Cassie's. I know Mary is only 6, but I can't wait for the day I get to experience love like you guys are." I wonder how long that will be, but for now, I am the protector.

"Demetri, you ready to go?" I am ready to see Mary.

"Yes, let's go, brother."

As we approach Cassie's room, we hear the girls aren't alone. We hear Master Caius, Master Marcus, and Lady Athenodora. 'They must be just saying good morning.'

I knock on the door and wait for a response.

"Enter." Master Caius says.

I open the door to see the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life! 'Oh my God, is that Mary?!?!'

"Good morning, Felix." Mary says as she pushes her hair behind her ear with a blush.

Demetri spoke up. "Is that you, Lady Mary? You look just like your mother." He said with a smile. "Felix, aren't you gonna say anything?"

Be cool, Felix. I open my mouth, and what comes out? "Hot girl!"

I drop the tray and run out of the room. Dammit Felix you idiot! That was so embarrassing!


Marcus POV

"That boys have coodies," I say, smiling.

Mary looks at me and laughs. "I don't know, Daddy. I might have had a change of heart."

*knock knock*

"Enter," Caius says.

Of course, Felix has to come in now. I don't wanna be here for this. I don't need to see him drool over my little princess.

"Good morning, Felix." Mary says.

'Oh my good, my little princess is flirting! Right in front of me! I'm gonna be sick.'

"Is that you, Lady Mary? You look just like your mother." Demetri says.

Felix is literally looking at her like she is a cup of blood!

"Felix, aren't you gonna say anything?" Demetri asks

'Yes, Felix, aren't you going to say anything?' I can feel my venom boiling.

"Hot girl," He yells. His eyes bug like he can't believe he said that. Hell, I can't believe he said that, and he ran from the room.

Caius starts laughing. I haven't heard this man laugh in centuries! I look at him with his own famous scowl to shut him up.

"Did you hear that, Cassie? He thinks I'm hot!!!!" Mary runs to hug Cassie.

'Good lord, Didyme. What did you leave me with? She is so your daughter. Taking the little things and turning them into positive compliments.'

"Mary, my little sun. Please excuse me for now. I will see you later." I kiss her forehead.

I'm off to my room to meditate, so I don't kill Felix.

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