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"Meredith-" Derek ran up to his pregnant wife as she was shot

It was the last thing she heard before all went black, her hand resting on her stomach where she felt an intense pain

Her baby

She needed her baby girl to be okay


Derek was running through the hospital, he was completely lost. His pregnant wife had been shot, he could lose both his unborn baby girl and his wife

They weren't even supposed to be at the hospital today but Meredith had a weird feeling so they decided to go for an ultrasound, in a try to ease her concerns

"A-Addie-" Derek sobbed on the phone. "Mer got shot, we need you. Our baby needs you." He completely trusted Arizona but this was about his family, he needed the very best doctors around

"Richard called me already, I'm on my way. I'll be there in 10 minutes." She assured him

Derek collapsed, his legs gave out. He couldn't think straight

The hospital was so loud even though almost all patients were evacuated by now. SWAT team is still checking the entire hospital, doctors were running out with injured people on stretchers

Derek couldn't breathe, he needed his Meredith to be okay, and their little girl. He knew Meredith wouldn't survive if anything happened to her

Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder, he looked up to see Richard. "Addison has arrived. She's in with the others and working on Meredith and the baby." He explained. "You should take a shower, you're covered in blood."

In Meredith's blood...

"I-" Derek nodded but didn't move. He felt like he was physically frozen. All his muscles, every single inch protested

"Derek-" Lexie and Mark ran up to him

"She'll be okay. She's Big Grey. She'll pull through." Mark tried to ease his brother. "And your girl, she's as tough as her mom."

Derek nodded, unable to speak up

"Come on, Derek. You need a shower. Mark, help him get up." Lexie ordered

Mark helped Derek get up but he was slightly swaying. So he put his arm around his brother and guided him to the shower in his own office

"I'll grab you some clean scrubs, it will all be okay." Lexie said to Derek, even though she was internally horrified about her sister's condition

Mark helped Derek to shower and get him dressed again as Derek seemed to be completely lost. Before he even realized it they had made it to the waiting room

"Lex.. Can you sit with him? I'll hear how it's going." Mark said

He didn't wanna go, he didn't wanna see one of his friends laying on the operating table while his niece was probably gonna. Be born prematurely

"Addie-" Mark walked inside the OR. "Please tell me they're both okay.." He asked, not really daring to look at anyone else except the redhead

"Their daughter is born. She- She's too small and she's weak.." Addison sighed. "I'll do everything I can." Addison promised him

"And Mer?" He asked scared

"We think she'll get through. The bullet almost hit her spine and she lost a lot of blood." Addison explained. "But she seems to be doing okay. But.. She flatlined once." Addison admits. "Tell Derek he can see his daughter in a bit. I'll bring her up to the Nicu, but prepare him, she's really small and her lungs and heart weren't developed the way it should."

"What are her chances?" Mark asked, really needing to know

"I'd say... 50/50." Addison sighed and went back to focus on the baby while Bailey was working on Meredith.

"Thanks Addie." Mark nodded and left, hurrying back to Derek and Lexie

"What did they say? How's the baby? How's Mer?" Derek asked immediately

"Your daughter is born. They're bringing her up to the NICU. Addison is doing her very best. Bailey's still working on Meredith but everything should be okay." Mark hugged his brother and girlfriend. "You can see the baby in a bit."

"Thank you." Derek tightened the hug, unable to keep his tears at bay. "When can I see Mer?"

"I don't know, probably as soon as Bailey's done." Mark rubbed his brother's back

"I- It feels so wrong to see our daughter without Mer. Our daughter should have never been born at 25 weeks, Mer should have never been shot!" Derek lost it all

Please let me know your thoughts and ideas!

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