"Like I said...You're hot when you're mad." He sighed. I could see the adrenaline running through his veins. Shit like this got him going.

I threw myself onto the couch and slammed a pillow over my head hoping that Kai might actually suffocate me. I'd be out of this hell then.
I heard him shifting around by the fireplace, his shoes crunching the broken glass on the floor.

I felt the couch sink down next to me as he sat down in the empty spot.

"Well I think that went...okay?" Kai joked. I groaned into the pillow, praying that he would shut up for once in his life.

"Motus." I grumbled towards Kai, without the thought that it might work. The sudden lightness of the couch and a thud made me tear the pillow off of my face.

Kai looked at his new surroundings on the floor in bewilderment. His eyes quickly caught mine and for a moment we stayed in complete silence. We were both shocked at how I'd done that when I'd only been able to light a candle for the past three weeks.


"Ferrah..." Kai stood and I matched his movement. Both of us stood staring at each other and for a moment I had a overwhelming urge to run to him, however i maintained my composure. Underneath my confused expression was pure happiness.

"Told you that you could do it." Kai commented. "And while I don't appreciate the fact you threw me across the room...I think your magic is slowly coming back."

"Sorry." I grimaced, looking at the cuts up his arm from landing on broken glass.

"Nothing a bit of magic can't fix." He winked at me expecting me do deal with the injury I caused. I ignored him, figuring that a small cut or seven on his arm was karma for the hell he'd put me though.

"I thought your father was dampening my powers though?" I voiced, very confused about the logistics of the Prison World.

"I'm starting to think that it was all in your head." Kai looked like he was trying to piece together a new kind of Gemini puzzle.

"Okay.. what now then do I just do the spell now that I have my powers?"

Kai shook his head. "We should find another source of magic. If i'm being totally honest I don't think you can do that spell all by yourself."

Kai was definitely honest. That somewhat bruised my ego but I don't think he was wrong.

"Okay and where do we get that from?" I asked.

"Happen to know anywhere in 1994 crawling with magic? Kai joked. His slight laughter didn't last long as he realised I probably didn't.

I sighed and began walking towards the door. I stopped realising that something had completely slipped my mind. The reason that I went to Portland in the first place.

"What if I do know somewhere?" I asked Kai, hoping that he wouldn't ask too many questions.

"Then I'd ask why you didn't tell me for so long." He said flatly, that same dark look crossing his face. "and where that is. and why aren't you getting in the car to get there."

Wow he was getting angry and quickly at that.

"Ferrah are you just taunting me or do you actually know something?" I didn't respond. My mind was racing with the possibility that I knew somewhere, but if we got there and it was all for nothing I'd be crushed.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐄 - 𝐊.𝐏Where stories live. Discover now