(F)Princess x (F)Peasant ( Lesbian fluff )

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I strolled through the village market, and came across an old man selling some hand made things. I walked up to him, covering my face with a mask. I can't let anyone see who I really am. I especially can't have anyone telling my parents. They would be furious. 

"Hello, Silas." I greeted him.  He nodded back at me. Silas is mute, and uses sign language, which  he kindly taught me. Many people walked right past his stall, because they get frustrated by the fact that he can't speak. It's not fair. Every time I come to the village, I make sure to buy something from him. He is one of the only people in the village who  know my real identity.

I looked around at his stall and noticed some new blown glass statues. I traced my hand over a small glass bird. The smooth glass felt cold against my warm hands. I glanced at Silas, who just smiled at me. He signed You can have that. It's my gift to you.

I stared at him for a moment. "Really? I could pay. How much is it-" I started to reach for my money when his wrinkled hands stopped me. He smiled at me and put the small bird in my hand. My daughter made this. She is really talented, I can see why you love it so much. Take it.

I thought about it for a moment, then took it. "Thank you so much. I am forever in your debt." He smiled at me once more, deepening the wrinkles around his eyes. I smiled back at him, wondering how some people could just ignore this kind man. 

I could feel my dark hair coming loose under my hood. I pulled my mask up a little bit, and stopped occasionally to buy some items. The market is too busy right now. I pulled myself into a dark alley and bumped into someone.

It was a young girl, who looked around my age. Her long dark fell just below her shoulders. She wore a white button-down shirt with brown pants. She looked at me in surprise, and her bag fell on the cold ground. The ting inside was probably delicate, because I could hear something shatter.

"Oh no, no, no..." The girl looked at the bag and picked it up. She started muttering to herself, but when she saw me, her eyes widened. 

"Oh, your majesty, I'm so sorry! I didn't realise it was you-" Oh. My mask must have fallen off. Well there was no point in putting back on now, and besides, she didn't look like she would tell my parents.

"It's okay. I should be the one apologising. I didn't realise anyone was here. What's your name?" 

"Io, i-it's Io your majesty." She shuffled into an awkward bow.

"You don't have to call me that. Ugh, I already hate it." She giggled. Her laugh was sweet, and it made me feel something weird in my chest.

"Alright, so what should I call you?" She fiddled with the sac. Io had a slight smile on my face, which made me smile too.

"Reyna. Not 'Your Majesty'" I did a little bow and she smiled. I glanced at the sac. "What's in there, anyways?" She looked at it.

"O-oh!" Io held it close to her chest. "Just some spare pieces of glass. I..." She hesitated. "I love making glass figurines and ornaments. However, we can't afford much to buy the glass, so I have to look for scraps."

My thoughts trailed back to the glass bird in my pocket. "Do you know Silas?" I asked. He had told me his daughter had made the bird. 

She blinked. "Y-yes. He is my father."

My eyes widened. So this is his daughter. He didn't mention that she was this pretty- No, what am I thinking! Io is a girl, so am I. I am royalty, she is not. My parents would never allow it.

I pulled out the bird from my pocket. She started in surprise. "So you must have made this?"

She nodded shyly. "Yes, your- I, uh, I mean Reyna." She hesitated for a second before asking, "Did you buy it?"

I nodded and stared at the delicate figure in my hands. "Your father and you make so many beautiful things. I wanted to buy this, but he insisted it was a gift."

She sighed, "That sounds exactly like him. We don't have much, not like you do." She said wistfully. I felt guilty that I couldn't share my luxuries with her, and everyone in this town. "Not since my mother died." She swallowed.

"If you don't mind me asking... What happened to your mother?" I asked, curious. 

Io looked down. 

"You don't have to tell me-"

"No, it's okay." She said, cutting me off. "She died a long time ago, when I was really young." She winced, as if she could still feel the pain of losing her mother. "She died of the plague."

I blinked. "Plague?"

She finally met my eyes. Her eyes were a beautiful glowing shire green color. I gulped.

"Yes, you didn't know? I thought you would since you're..." Io trailed off. "Uhm, never mind. It doesn't matter anyway. I should probably get going-"

"Wait!" I surprised myself by grabbing her hands before she could leave. Heat crawled up to my cheeks. Io's face was also red, probably because of the embarrassment. "Tell me about the plague."

"Well- I-" She took a deep breath. "It happened many years ago. There was a terrible sickness, and many were lost from it. Nobody knows the cause." She paused. "The king and queen didn't pay much mind to it though. " She gulped.

I started shaking with rage at my parents, for keeping this from me, for not paying attention to the villagers. For not caring. I felt like screaming.

Io stared at me nervously. "I-I'm sorry. I know-"

"No, no" I told her. "I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at my parents. I'm sorry for what you had to go through."

She flushed, and finally met my eyes. "Thank you." She whispered. I smiled. I grabbed her hands, then hugged her.

After a moment, she finally hugged me back. I felt like I could stay like that forever. I looked over her shoulder, and saw the sun setting. It looked beautiful...

Wait... The sun is setting already! My parents will be wondering where I am. I pulled away from the embrace.

"My-my parents will be wondering where I am. I have to go." When I tried to let go of her hands, she didn't let me.

"You will visit, right?" Io had a hopeful look in her eyes. I nodded. "Of course I will. Every day if you want me to."

Her eyes widened. "Not every day! Surely you have some princess-y stuff to do!"

I laughed. "I can always make time for you."

After another quick embrace, I headed back to the castle. On my way, I couldn't stop thinking about Io. Her sweet smile, her green eyes...

I shook my head. My parents were planning on having me married soon. I can't think about some peasant. Nevertheless one who is a girl...

But, as I headed back 'home', I couldn't help but ask myself...

Was I falling for a girl?

Ok, this took a long time to make. Sorry about that! Anyways, hope you liked it!

By request of: wish_in_a_bottle

Word Count: 1210

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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