Bring Seira Back Home

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The Seoul skyline stretched out beneath him, just as sprawling as it was in his versions.

Rael watched it all from his perch on one of the numerous highrises. The metropolis had changed over the years, but the feel of it had not. It still rang with activity and life - the everyday bustle of humans rushing to and fro.

Humans continued to be as fascinating as they were the first time he'd stood up here and looked. (How can they advance so fast? Don't they get tired of rushing?) His sentiments from the first time he'd stood here had changed completely, however. Looking upon them this way, he could see something more than he had the first time.

Rael:- ~Their lives are so fleeting. Sir Raizel wanted to protect that.~

On a roof several blocks from Ye Ran, Rael watched and pondered. The sky was a solid blue as a warm wind swept through the air; it was the middle of the day. He could see classes in session through the windows, and two more doing physical exercises outside. Mr. Janitor was sweeping the front courtyard.

In his versions, the first time he'd come to collect Seira, he'd been an absolute jerk. Even with his brother's warnings.

~Rajak:- Don't get into any trouble. If you cause any more commotion, you won't get away with it.~

He'd caused quite the commotion at school. Lord, he'd been so naive back then.

It was utterly mortifying to remember his conduct at a place so precious to the Noblesse. No regard for the humans, stabbed M-21, antagonized Regis, and then threw himself like a starving dog at Seira. No wonder she'd refused him.

Rael:- ~ good thing that I did not propose to her that time.~

With everyone still in school, Rael had nothing to do. He couldn't make his move until they returned to the house, and then he'd have to wait and see if the children decided to come along. If they did come along, he'd have to wait until they left, likely with Seira and Regis as escorts, and then wait until the two came back. It was a lengthy potential wait. He was loathe to just sit until night. What could he do in the span of a few hours? He should have timed his arrival better.

So many people to deal with and so little time. Sir Raizel and Frankenstein's group attracted trouble like magnets; no wonder Frankenstein had been tearing at his hair. Seoul was relatively quiet at this point, but he'd have to set certain things up soon because he wouldn't be able to interfere while he was on his trip in the human world. He couldn't avoid that either; he needed to have that journey again. Unbidden, an idea came to him. There was one place close enough to take a look at...

Rael:- "Let's pay that person a visit." *grin was undoubtedly malicious*

Daegu. 237.6 kilometers southeast of Seoul. The fourth largest city in South Korea and the third largest metropolitan area. It took Rael a little over an hour and a half to run there on foot, even without rest. He touched down on a random skyscraper and peered out in interest.

In some ways, it was very much like Seoul. Enormous. Crowded. A mix of old and new that spoke of the city's growth throughout history. However, something about the city itself felt different. Perhaps the people?

Shielding his eyes with a hand, he peered up at the sky. It was mid-afternoon now. A pleasant enough day to be doing what he was doing. He had plenty of time to search for his destination.

Rael strolled through the labs, hands making swift work of the numerous control panels and equipment. It had taken him a little less than an hour to scour Daegu and find this secret facility. Sleek automatic glass doors had greeted Rael at the building's entrance. Hands in his pockets, he'd walked in calm as could be. Humans filled the first floor, typing at desks, running with paperwork, chatting, and swarming at all locations. None of them noticed him, not even when he made his way to an important-looking elevator situated behind the reception desk (a very clear employees-only zone).

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