Chapter 8: Justified Chaos

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Disclaimer:  I am not a doctor, neither am I a professional.

In this story, whatever type of disease/illness/wounds you read will not be from my personal point of view. They will be spoken about and elaborated on in my own research on the topic from Google and AI assistants. I have been cross-checking everything too but still, they are not going to be 100% right.So I would love it if you guys could point out any mistakes and bring them to my attention so that I can learn more from them.

Satoru spent hours thinking back to what Aiko told him.

Growing up in a noble clan had its way of fucking over his interactions with sorcerers from non-sorcerer families or even those who didn't have a clan to back them up. He grew to be so attached to the mentality of clan sorcerers being better that he forgot that it was precisely the non-sorcerers who liked him for who he was and not for his jujutsu or his clan. There were exceptions, however. Occasionally there were a few cases where people wanted to suck up their way through him because they thought him to be naïve. Fools.

It used to make him feel good when people liked him for just being him and not for his clan or jujutsu. He realized shortly after that most did not give two fucks about him other than his clan. They pretended to be his friend to curry his favour or his clan's. They usually looked for him since it was well-known that he was set to be the next clan head. With years of training though, he knew when he was being sucked up to and when he was genuinely liked. And with the reminder that Aiko gave him; he knew that he was in the wrong. He was just glad that Aiko acknowledged that it was not because he liked putting down his friends but more so because of his upbringing.

"Sensei! Why would I give my seat for some no-name, no-clan wannabe sorcerer?!"

His mind unconsciously brought out the sentence that had been haunting him ever since Aiko bid him away for his mission. Satoru winced, the look that Aiko shot him before was starting to make more and more sense to him. Both Suguru and Shoko came from non-sorcerer families. Heck, Shoko did not even have anyone to call her family. Not to mention that Aiko herself was an orphan.

"It's not the end of the world, and for you—probably not that big of a deal. But remember that it was precisely those non-sorcerers who accepted you as you."

He suddenly remembered her words again. As much as he felt chastised and forgiven, Satoru for the life of him could not understand how she got under his skin so easily like that. It was as if she had known him his whole life, knew him inside out and it was as gratifying as it was scary.

The fact that she knew that he did not take his mistake as a big deal until she reminded him of it? That? That was when he had to suppress a violent shiver that threatened to confirm her words.

He snorted to himself, thinking back to everything else she told him.

Had someone else tried to tell him off like that a few months ago then he would have already flipped them off. But she did what others did not; she reminded him something that he had been overlooking. His faults.

He doesn't know why he lets her speak so much without any immediate repercussions, nor why he continues to listen. What he does know however is that she did not put much into his title of "The strongest sorcerer" of the Modern Era and had no problem telling him what he did wrong.

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