Before your eyes

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1st person pov:

My name is Tsireya I'm 16 years old. I got to Reef High school with my brother Ao'nung. He is my only friend. I have never had a real friend or a boyfriend. I'm considered a loser. I really hope this school year I find a friend.

*1 week later*

3rd person pov:

Tsireya hasn't found a friend yet. She is sitting on the beach watching everyone having fun with their friends. And then in the corner of her eye she sees her dad talking to these forest people on the other side of the beach. She gets up and runs over to see what's happening. "Dad.. What's happening?" she askes Tonowari. "One moment Tsireya" He replies sternly. She looks at the forest people. And just in that moment she locks eyes with the most dreamy guy she has ever seen. Something in her stomach does a flip and feels light. She doesn't know what shes feeling. Then Ronal comes over and moves Tsireya. She can still see this boy. He looks at her and smiles. 'omg did he smile at me' is all she can think. She waves and he giggles. She was so focused on him she didn't hear her dad saying that they are staying with us. Ao'nung walks over to her. "Bro these weirdos have to live with us" He whispers in her ear. "REALLY?!" she blurts out loudly. Everyone looks at her, even the cute boy. He giggles at her then looks down smiling.



3rd person pov:

"Bro shut up" Ao'nung says. "Sorry. Where will they sleep?" She asks. "The two girls r sleeping in ur room and the boys are in mine" He says. "Oh ok" she replies. Tonowari announces that Ao'nung needs to go show Neteyam around, Tsireya needs to show Lo'ak around, and Rotxo has to show around Kiri and Tuk. Tsireya's mind'YES OMG YES!'.

Jake brings Lo'ak to Tsireya. "Hi Tsireya this is Lo'ak, watch him carefully he can be crazy". "Ok thank you" She says. Jake leaves and Lo'ak looks her up and down then smiles at her. "Hi" Lo'ak says nervously. "Heyy" She replies. They make eye contact and hold it for a while. He is lost in her bright blue eyes and shes lost in his bright yellow eyes. "Let's go for a walk and I'll show you around" She tells him. "Ok, where are we going first" He asks. She gestures for him to follow her and he does. They walk for a little bit until he asks where they are going. She looks at him and says we are here". They are standing in this really beautiful forest area with palm trees and bright colored flowers. "This is beautiful" He says. "I know." She replies. "You come her often?", "yeah I come here everyday". He smiles at her and stares at her eyes. She looks over to him and is surprised by how he is looking at her. "What's up?" She asks. "Nothing your eyes are just really cool. I have never seen anyone that didn't have yellow eyes" He tells her. "Oh same I've never seen anyone with yellow eyes" She laughs. He giggles. "Let's head to my house it's getting late already". "Ok" He says. They walk back to Tsireyas house.

1st person pov:

I took Lo'ak to this spot I always go to relax and have fun when I'm bored. He liked it. He makes me feel some way. It's like I have a crush but I can't cause I just met him. We are home now and Ao'nung says that the girls were fighting and that they wanted to be in the spare room so they are both sleeping in there. Which means Neteyam is sleeping in his room and Lo'ak has to sleep on my floor. I look at him and ask "are you being foreal or are you joking?". "I'm being foreal" Ao'nung says snickering. I don't want Lo'ak to sleep in my room I don't want to end up liking him. I don't wanna like him. But.. NO! I don't like him and I won't like him. "OK then" I say. Lo'ak comes over to me. "So I heard I'm sleeping in your room" He says. Kiri walks past and hears that "JEEZ, be careful he fucked half the female population in our year at our old school". "Kiri stfu" he says annoyed. "uhh, yeah you are sleeping in my room". "Ok ill grab my stuff" He says. He walks away. I go to my room and sit on my bed on my phone.

Lo'ak storms into my room and plops his bags on my floor. "Damn! You got alot of stuff" I say in shock. "Yeah, whoops" he says. I look at him struggling with his stuff. "I'll help you" I say. I get up and set him up a bed and put his clothes away. "Thanks..." "Tsireya" I say. "Thanks Tsireya" He smiles and dabs me up. "Ok I'm going to sleep now" Lo'ak says. "Ok, me to" I say. I get in bed and so does Lo'ak. A few minutes pass. "Lo'ak?" I ask. "Yeah.." he replies. "Is what Kiri said true?" I ask curious. "No, it's a stupid rumor that's going around" He says. "Oh ok". "I have never done that before so I don't know where that rumor even came from" He tells me. "Oh that's weird then" I say. "Yeah, how old are you?" He asks. "Uhm, I'm 16" I say. "Oh cool, I'm 17" He replies. "Can we be friends?" I ask him. "Uhm of course we live together and sleep in the same room" he says. "Oh yeah. Silly me" I say. He laughs and so do I.


Shes so funny. She is quite cool and interesting though. But I know I could never get with her because my parents would not approve of me with someone from another clan.


Oh my lord. When I stood before his eyes for the first time I swear I died. He is so cool, funny, cute, and interesting. But I know I could never get with him because my parents would not approve of me with someone from another clan.

*They go to sleep*

Hope you enjoyed my first chapter! Leave any requests for other chapters in the comments please.

Word count: 1070

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