Knight and Shining Armour

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(Content Warning: SA and Sexual child abuse. Viewer discretion is advised)

"Laito, it's play time!" Cordelia'd voice rang through his ears as she grabbed his tiny shoulder. He felt his heart drop, but why? Mother was going to love him... so why is he scared? "Laito, What's the matter? Do you not want to play with me?" Cordelia said mournfully with glazed eyes. "N-no! I want to, mother!" Laito said quickly, not wanting to anger his mother further.

She sniffed and wiped her fake tears, before harshly pulling on Laito's arm. She dragged him all the way back to her bedroom, practically tossing him on the wooden floor. "Now, make it up to me Laito!"

Quiet sobs filled the bedroom as Laito cried in his mother bed. He felt disgusting and scared. Nail marks scarred his arms and he was too frightened to even think of looking at his legs. He curled himself into a ball and cried into the violet pillows, tears staining the velvet.

Why can't Cordelia love him like Ms. (Name) does?! Why does he have to bed someone to love them!? Why is the world so cruel-.

His thoughts are interrupted by the bedroom door slowly opening, making the boy jump under the covers. What if it was Richter or Cordelia coming back for more!?

"Laito... is that you?" A slightly muffled voice said. But even though it was muffled by the blanket, he quickly realized who it was. He threw the blanket off and ran into Ms. (Name)'s arms.

He wailed and cried into her chest as he clutched onto her kimono like a lifeline. Finally, he was in the warmth of a real mother. He finally felt safe enough to cry it out.

Ms. (Name) began to run her fingers through his hair as she checked him for injuries. She knew a thing or two about how violent and cruel that witch could be.

Her face of concern only deepened as her eyes met the disgusting fluids and scratches covering his body. She quickly picked him up, wrapping her sleeve around him like blanket, and brought him to her own room.

She sat him in the chair at her desk and was about to grab the first aid kit from the washroom, but was stopped when Laito's small hands grabbed the end of her obi.

"Ms. (Name), why don't you love me... like she does?" Laito whispered. Her scared expression became more of one of empathy as she kneeled in front of him, holding his hands in her own larger warm ones.

"Honey, that woman can't love. She is incapable of feeling the true affection of another. But you... you can feel that, dear. Love is supposed to make you feel happy and warm inside, not cold and rotten. Love never involves pain, Laito..." She explained, caressing his cheek with her thumb, wipping his stray tear away.

After a moment, Laito just nods. No comment or argument, just a nod. But that's all Ms. (name) needed. "Now, do you hurt anywhere else, Laito?" She asked. Laito nodded and pointed to the various scratches on his torso before pointing to his bruised knees too.

Ms. (name) quickly grabbed the medical kit from the washroom and immediately began taking care of his injuries. Cordelia has scratched Laito deep enough that it drew blood, making blotchy marks across his once pure and clean skin. He grimaced at the marks, hating how they looked on him. It disgusted him.

Once she had finished disinfecting his wounds and placing an ice pack on his knees for a few moments, she picked him up and let him get into the tub, before helping him clean all of the gross stuff off of him. She made sure to give him a bubble bath and play around with the water a bit to lighten the mood.

Laito, still quite stressed and emotionally drained, couldn't help but smile at her attempts to cheer him up. Ms. (Name) let him dry off with a towel before handing him some underclothes and a long nightshirt for bed. "It's late so I should get you to bed..." She thought out loud.

Laito nodded and let Ms. (Name) pick him up again and tuck him into bed. However, just as she was about to blow out the candles, he grabbed her sleeve making her look down at him with expectancy.

"Can you... sleep next to me...tonight? I don't... want her to come back and get me again, not tonight" Laito said hesitantly, his breath hitching a bit and his eyes becoming watery.

Ms. (Name) was quick to answer, noticing his distress. "Sure, dear..."
She took off her uchikake and upper kimono, leaving her in just a standard yukata, and took a few of her hairpins out. Laito couldn't help but follow the way the flowers and beads jingled and swayed on one of the hairpins as she put it on the dresser.

She chuckled before picking up her beloved hair ornament and handing it to Laito. "If you're so fascinated with it, then how about you keep it!" she said with her usual warm, happy smile as she patted his head. Laito's eyes lit up and he hugged the pin to his chest before placing it ever so gently on his bedside table. "thank you... Ms. (Name)"
Laito muttered with a happy, childish grin on his face.

She got into bed and under the covers, wrapping her arms around Laito's smaller frame as she kissed his forehead goodnight. Laito soon fell asleep, feeling warm, loved, and most of all, safe.

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