Visions and Hallucinations

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(Warning: Panic attacks)

"We will be home in the next few hours, make sure the house is clean and dinner is prepared by the time we get home"

Reiji told the girl as she looked down at the floor and nodded. "Hey! Look at us when we're talking!" Kanato yelled as he hugged teddy closer to his chest. She muttered a small "sorry" before the brothers turned around a walked out the door, much to Kanato's annoyance; he wanted to hurt her more, wanted to see her pained and scared tears. 

She sighed as the doors shut and she was left alone in the large hall. Yui decided to finally move and start cleaning the kitchen counter with a wet rag. She turned around to grab more cleaning supplies but something gold and blue sparkled in the corner of her eye. Yui quickly turned towards the corner of the room, thinking one of the brothers was home, but she saw nothing. Just a pile of built up dust was there, nothing else. Was she going crazy? Were the injuries getting to her?

Yui shook her head and look again, still nothing? She must be tired or something. She sighs and grabs a broom to start sweeping the dirt off the floor. 

After she finished cleaning all the dust and dirt, she started on dinner. Yui turned on the stove and began grabbing plates from the China cabinet. She made sure to be careful when placing them on the counter; the plates looked expensive after all. 

While grabbing ingredients from the pantry, she turned to look at the other shelf, when she saw two eyes staring directly at her own. Yui's own eyes widened as she chucked a can at nearly glowing irises staring at her. They disappeared just as quickly as they came.

"We're home pancake!" She could hear Ayato shout from the main hall. Her heart dropped to her stomach and she was quick to put the thrown can back on the shelf and grab the ingredients before rushing to the kitchen and placing them on the counter. "You haven't even started dinner yet!?". Yui froze in place as she shrieked. She couldn't even speak and she could feel the redhead breathing on her neck. "You know Reiji's gonna be mad at you..." Ayato teased with a wicked grin, practically scratching her shoulders from his nails digging into them. 

All of the sudden Ayato forward and shoved himself off of her and turned towards the door. "Tch...whatever". She could hear the door slam shut before looking out the window. Those same eyes were peering at her again. They looked thinner this time and almost looked angry. Yui sighed and turned to continue cooking. She could see the eyes in her peripheral vision and she could soon see them blink and disappear once more. 

Yui soon finished the dishes and brought them to the dinner table where the brothers were waiting, some more calm then others. Kanato was already irritated from the annoying school day so Yui felt like she was walking on egg shells. 

"It's rude to glare, Kanato" Laito mocked, his eyes squinting at the violet haired boy in amusements. "Don't speak, It's not like you know anything about manners Laito" Reiji lectured as Yui placed his plate in front of him. 

Said girl soon finished placing the plates on the dining table before putting the tray under her arms, turning around, and walking towards the kitchen.


Yui yelped and staggered back to put the tray up as a shield in front of her face. She fell on her backside and successfully scratching her knee. Yui cautiously peaked over the tray to see one of the plates broken on the wooden floor, some of the glass cutting her calves and feet, causing more blood to drip onto the floor. 

"I wanted something sweet! I think you will suffice!" Kanato shouted looked at the girl maniacally- the other brothers look at her with hunger along side him. Her eyes widened as she tried to crawl away from them. 

Just as Kanato was about to pounce at her from the table, the brothers eyes look behind her. One by one, their eyes turn to saucers and they all collectively stare in awe. Yui turned around to see nothing but the wall. She turned back and the brothers looked almost scared? Some clicked their tongues or scowled before leaving the girl on the floor and towards their rooms, abandoning her and the food for the night.

Yui's breathe was labored as she stood up, walking to the kitchen and clutching the edge of the counter to keep herself from collapsing. Her heart beat increased as she dropped to her knees and clutched her chest, praying to god that her breathing would even out. But it did the exact opposite and she started to hyperventilate. Yui could feel the blood pulsating around her neck, wrists, and head as she clutched her knees with her other hand. Her vision was getting blurry from tears and the lack of oxygen as her knees and face started to feel fuzzy.

 She had never felt this way before. Yui never felt this much panic at the church. Which meant that she also didn't know how to stop. She was nearly begging to the Christ for this emotion to stop- she didn't want to feel it anymore and she never wanted to feel it again.

As the fuzzy feeling from her legs started to rise up her body, Yui felt those same warm arms wrap around her again, this time it was pushing her face into their chest. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to sink into the persons arms. Yui could feel something like soft silk sleeved arms around her shoulders as a hand reached towards her face and gingerly wiped the tears away. Their nails were sharp but their gentle touch caused Yui to not worry. The person's other hand gently brushed it's fingers through her hair as they continued holding her.

Yui could feel her lungs relaxing and her breathing started to regulate. The horrible fuzziness soon disappeared from her legs and she could soon feel them and her face again. She was still shaking and crying but was noticeably less tense. Yui's mind soon started to focus on the gentle touch of the person holding her, the panic soon leaving her mind and bliss replacing it. 

Just as she was about to open her eyes to look at the mysterious person, their fingers left her hair and covered her eyes.

"Do not look, my child. You do not need to fear but you mustn't see me yet" A woman's voice muttered to her before the warming arms slowly left her and she was left on the floor, completely alone.

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