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Fourth of July

-The lake house is in complete Chaos, Bright and early, At 7 O' clock in the morning. The house is packed with everyone's parents, Everyone running around in complete chaos, Hairdressers, Makeup artists everywhere, Dresses and suits hung up all over the house. Just a complete madhouse to put it lightly.

"JIM. YOU CALLED THE BARTENDER AND CONFIRMED HE IS ONE HUNDRED PERCENT COMING RIGHT?" Ellen yells from the kitchen in complete distress making sure EVERYTHING goes right.

"Yes honey, I've confirmed with him for the 3rd time today, As well with the DJ and the catering company." Jim sighs as everyone laughs at Ellen's bridezilla moment.

Jack and I walk down the stairs from just waking up, Still yawning and rubbing our eyes from all the ruckus going on downstairs.

"KENZIE HONEY! The girls are already getting their hair and makeup done, We got to get moving." Ellen says rushing me upstairs to begin my process.

"Mom we just woke up. It's seven in the morning, The ceremony doesn't start till 3." Jack says still half asleep.

"Jack, That's already late." Ellen argues with her son as Kenzie giggles at the interaction and heads upstairs.

"Wait." Kenzie says turning around to go downstairs to give Jack a quick kiss. "You know, Since I won't see you until the wedding." She smiles up at her soon to be husband.

"I love you, And I cannot wait to make you my wife." Jack says giving Kenzie another kiss as all the parents "Awhhhhh"

Kenzie turns around and heads back up the stairs with Ellen. Kenzie enters the room to see all her bridesmaids and mom sitting in chairs getting their makeup and hair done.

"Awh, There she is. My beautiful baby girl is getting married today." My mom says as I lean over to give her a kiss on the cheek

"AHHHHHH" Tate and Liv shreek of excitement for their best friend as Kenzie walks over and hugs them and makes her way to her three cousins who are also her bridesmaids to give them hugs as well.

"Ready to get dolled up?" The makeup artist named Rachel asks Kenzie as she sits in her chair.

"So ready, Let's do it" She smiles at her through the mirror in front of her.

Ellen, Julie, Tate, Liv, Kenzie and her cousins all begin getting their hair and makeup done for the big day just hours away.

Tate turns to me with a frown written on her face, "Awh Trevor's so upset."

"He's upset? Why? What happened?" I turn my head slightly towards her as Rachel begins my eyeshadow.

"I told him we're slowly getting ready and he said he's not ready to let go of his baby sister and he's saying how much he's gonna miss you being across the hall from him. He said you mean the world to him and how he was so blessed to grow up with a sister and best friend like you." Tate reads the text off of her phone, Her voice beginning to crack at the sweet message displayed on her screen.

"Oh my god. Tate, I cannot cry right now." Kenzie says as she wipes the tears off of her waterline.

Kenzie turns around to look at her mom who's in full on tears.

"Thank god I'm getting my hair done first." Her mom says as everyone laughs through their tears.

"I am the most blessed mom in the world to have you two as my kids. I love you both and I will always see you both as my little babies even though one's getting married today and one's engaged."

"Awh mom stop it. Now i'm crying. I'm sorry Rachel, We're gonna have to touch up this eyeshadow." Kenzie says standing up and walking over to her mom for a long and sentimental hug.

The lake house <3 (JACK HUGHES FANFIC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu