this is a state of grace

Start from the beginning

"I'm not going to be in art class tomorrow, I have a doctor's appointment that they changed the time of, and since I don't have any study periods tomorrow either, I thought we should probably exchange numbers." Jennie briefly wonders if Lisa is always this forward, before she adds on, "So we could discuss the assignment over the weekend."

Right. The assignment. That makes sense.

"Yeah, good idea," Jennie replies before pausing. "Shit, no, I left my phone in my locker, and I just got a new one so I don't know my own number off by heart yet. Uh, you got a piece of paper you can write yours on?"

Lisa rifles around in her bag for a few moments, before producing a pen. Jennie raises her eyebrows in surprise when Lisa blatantly rakes her gaze across her cheerleader uniform.

"You don't have any pockets," Lisa says in explanation, reaching out and wrapping her fingers around Jennie's wrist to pull her hand up. "Nowhere to put any paper."

Jennie is caught off guard by how soft and warm Lisa's hand is, so much so that she barely feels the pen scribbling Lisa's number onto her skin.

"Uh, thanks," Jennie says after Lisa lets go of her. Lisa recaps her pen, slips it back into her bag, before surveying Jennie with a stare that makes her feel like Lisa knows exactly how warm her skin where Lisa touched her now feels. Jennie swallows nervously, only tearing her gaze away from Lisa's when she hears Chaeyoung call her name. "Okay well, I gotta go now," Jennie says, with the world's most awkward hand gesture towards the other cheerleader. "But I'll text you later?"

Lisa nods. "I'll talk to you then, Jennie."

She offers a small smile, that makes something twist in Jennie's stomach - she's probably just hungry; maybe she shouldn't have declined Mino's offer of half his sandwich earlier - before turning to make her way back towards the main school building. Lisa's friend stares at Jennie suspiciously for a few seconds, before following her off the field.

Jennie is busy trying to figure out why she likes the sound of her name in Lisa's voice, before Chaeyoung is bouncing up beside her. "Hey Romeo. If you're finally done having eye sex with the wicked witch of the woods, we have a practice to start."

Jennie stumbles over her own feet as she's turning round to follow Chaeyoung over to the other cheerleaders. "What- I was not- I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure you don't," Chaeyoung says in that airy voice that means she doesn't believe a word of what Jennie said.

"Well her friend clearly doesn't like me," Jennie says, trying to change the subject. "If looks could kill, you'd be holding tryouts for a new head cheerleader."

"Who, Irene?" Oh, that's her name. "I wouldn't take it personally," Chaeyoung laughs. "Pretty sure she doesn't like anyone except Lisa."


Jennie: hey, it's Jennie. so unfortunately i'm not free over the weekend at all, last minute trip to visit my grandparents, is it okay if we meet up on monday instead to start the project??

Lisa: Monday is fine. We both have a study period sixth I think?

Jennie: sixth is good. meet you in the library?

Lisa: I'll see you then Jennie.


Jennie dashes into the library on Monday afternoon, fifteen minutes after she was supposed to meet Lisa. She spots the other girl sitting alone at one of the tables and makes a beeline for it. Lisa lifts her head and regards Jennie with an unimpressed expression, before saying, "I'm honoured you finally decided to grace me with your presence, Your Highness."

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