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{TRIGGER WARNING: Death, loss of family,

It was a windy morning. The snowy ground was lit by the bright yet quite pale sunlight.

Out of a tree hole, out walked a petite, black cockapoo, a blue bandana around her neck

"Come on, pups! Let's play!"
She exclaimed as her tail wagged.

Out of the shelter padded two more pups, her siblings.

"Tag! You're it!!"

"Hey! Kara! No fair!" The other laughed.

"Come get me, Heather!"
Kara chuckled, darting off unto the snowy forest.

Heather tagged the youngest pup, nudging them.

Snarled the smaller pup, racing after the two.

Kara had stopped herself from running and spun as she stopped.

"Hey, why did you stop running?"
Asked Heather, also stopping.

"I'm bored already. Let's play hide and seek instead."
Kara reassured.

"Aww, but Cinder didn't even catch up yet!"
Cried Heather, her face full of sadness.

Cinder then caught up. She was so tired of running that she plopped to the snowy ground and panted heavily.

Kara smiled, shaking her head. She then padded up to Cinder, putting Cinder's paw on her shoulder.

"I'm it.."

Cinder looked up, tiredness still in her eyes. She still panted.

Kara turned away from Cinder and faced Heather.

"Let's play hide and seek, I'll seek, while you guys hide." Kara barked, pride in her voice.

"Okay!" Heather piped up, her tail wagging uncontrollably, "Come on, Cinder!"

With that, the two pups darted away into the snowy forest.

Kara smiled once again, turning away to count.


Heather ran toward a tree and darted behind it, giggling as she turned.

Cinder found a bush and hid into it.

"..18..19..20! Here I come!" Kara barked.

Kara searched, searched, and searched. No pup in sight.


The wind speed started to pick up, and the winds' breeze started to get thicker.

"Oh..okay..I think it's time to head inside now.." Kara whimpered to herself, running through the forest.

"Guys..! Hello!" She called.

"Heather? Cinder? Mom!!"

With each call, the wind roared harder and louder against the trees

"A blizzard?!"
Kara screeched.

Worry filled the pups' eyes as she looked at the snow darting toward the ground.

"Heather! Cinder!!"

Kara's vision started to cloud, for she was now blinded by what lied before her.

Kara started to trot faster, unsure of where to head. Every corner, she narrowed her eyes to looked the exact same.

The wind picked up harder.
"Guys!! Guys! Where are y--!!"
Kara, without noticing as she trotted, she tripped over a loose pile of snow, causing her to trip.

A New Set Of Paws: Kara's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now