Chapter 1

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Makoto Naegi's PoV

I awoke in the classroom, to see the windows bolted shut, while I was trying to get the windows open, I heard the sound of... a violin, accompanied by the sound of rhythmic clacking, I went to investigate. And saw a guy with white hair and wearing...a dress?

Keegan Anderson's PoV

It was one of those days, not of a good or bad day, just one of those Meh days. I got up as usual to see no one in the hall. I put on a Shirt, Kilt, Socks, and Irish Hard Shoes. I rosened up my bow and played the fiddle as I walked down to the kitchen to get breakfast. I always wake up before the announcement, so that's a good thing. I played a tune while the coffee I made was cooling down. After I drank down the coffee, I got up and made my way to the gymnasium and continued to play. After about an hour, some more people came in, But i was still dancing and fiddling. I continued until I heard some applause. I stopped in my tracks and realized I was being watched. I didn't snap, nor did I let it get to my head, I just laid down and played Go to the Devil and Shake Yourself, on my fiddle. Until I see this half white-half black with a red eye. The bear speaks up.

???: "Hello students, we seem to have a performer right here."
"Okay, what are you? A psychotic paralysis bear that has come to haunt us like a banshee?"
???: "No...I am Monokuma, your headmaster."
"What the hell, I don't take to an ursine nightmare as a principal."

I then continued to play, when I felt some hand...or paw go up my Kilt...I backed up and started to swear that thing out.

"What the (Fuck) are you doing, you just don't do that you son of a (Bitch), so take your (Goddamn) paw and shove it up your arse."

This stunned the others...into backing away. I walked away from the group and continued to play the fiddle. So when he finished speaking the others were stunned, but I wasn't surprised, I simply got up and started to fiddle Reel Around the Sun. The others looked at me but heard the tapping of paws on the wood from the stage. My dog, Cu, walked up to me from behind them. I then switch gears and fiddle a tune I made.

"Well, we are all in this Tuar(predicament) but it's important to keep a level head in this Am na droch-chmharthai(Time of bad omens) let's not get Riogach(Impulsive) now."

But before I knew it an Impulse happened, where this man that I can only assume to be a gang member grabbed the "principal" which turned out to be a bomb.

"Throw the damn bear."
???: "Huh dude, what's that ticking sound?"
"Just throw it."

So he threw it...only for it to explode. He stood there in disbelief, hmmmmmm if only someone had warned him ahead of time.

???: "That could've happened to me!?"
"An bhfuil tú ag fucking gaige buile, d'fhéadfá a bheith blown tú féin chun ifreann ard. Ná, agus is ciall agam NÁ é sin a dhéanamh arís ... ná lig do do impulse tiomáint tú cac don brains. (Are you [fucking] mad dude, you could have blown yourself to high [hell]. Don't, and I mean don't you ever let your impulse drive you [shit] for brains.)

Nobody could understand what I just said, but this little boy(I could tell because in Ireland men wear Kilts) pulled out his laptop and opened a translator...and the translator said the following.

Translator: "This sounds like a bad message he said, are you sure you want to hear it?"

The young lad pressed yes, and word for word it got the translation correct. This hit that guy who chucked the bear in the feels...knocking him down a peg. Leaving him in tears.

???: "You didn't have to be that harsh, that kind of behavior is unacceptable."
"Well I'm sorry for acting appropriately and being direct with him."

I gave him what I could describe as a death glare, and played Vesti La Giubba on the fiddle. This caused an unsettling feeling in him even with Cu growling at him. But the switch flipped off when I heard someone's voice speak up

???: "umm, excuse me, my name is Makoto Naegi...and I take it that you're Irish."
"Aye, my name is Keegan Anderson, The ultimate fiddle player. If you ever want to hear a fiddle tune...i'm your guy

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