Chapter 2 - Mistery pile-up

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„Does that mean they're agents of some organization too?" Simmons asked. They were sitting on the branches of the tree again. They had some time before the bell rang and Daisy told them what she found.

„I suppose. If this agent Hill gives mom orders they must work at the same place." Jemma said.

„Did you write it down?" Yo-Yo asked Daisy.

„Yeah, last night," Daisy answered. „Then I put back the paper."

The bells rang soon so they had to get inside.

Fitzsimmons and Deke were on chemistry. Deke would've preferred to be in the front, but he wanted to help Jemma put the compound she wanted together. He was mostly annoying her. While Jemma was working, Fitz made sure she didn't get caught. At the end of the class, Jemma sneaked the vial out of the classroom. She, Fitz, and Deke went to the place they discussed with the others earlier. They were all there already.

„Do you have it?" Daisy asked. Jemma nodded.

„The question is, who goes home feeling sick?" Yo-Yo asked.

„I volunteer," Daisy said. „I'm clearly the most careful of us all."

„Who told you that?" Yo-Yo asked jokingly.

„I agree with Daisy. She should go. And she's old enough to take care of herself, so Mom and Dad won't feel the need to urgently go home to her." Mack said.

„Well, that depends on how sick will that thing make me," Daisy replied.

„Nothing serious..." Jemma started. She wanted to list the things it would cause, but Daisy cut her off.

„Please don't start listing! Just... Will I be okay enough to stay home alone for a while?"

„Yes," Jemma said with a certain voice. „I think," added on a less certain one.

„That is very disturbing," Yo-Yo said. They had no more time to discuss it. The bell rang. Jemma gave Daisy the vial and they all went to class. Jemma's uncertainty made Daisy question if the plan was really safe. She held the vial in her hand and her hands on her lap.

„What's that?" Mike asked.

„It's... It's nothing," Daisy said.

„I haven't seen anyone looking that uncertainly at nothing," Mike replied.

„It's part of a plan me and my siblings created. But the one who should be certain about it seems the most uncertain." she said, giving in while Mike sat down. Moments later, the teacher walked in. A few minutes into the lesson, Daisy took a deep breath and when the teacher didn't pay attention, she drank Jemma's compound. She wasn't sure what to expect, but not this. Nothing happened. She felt okay. She looked back at the teacher to make sure he didn't notice her not paying attention to the lesson. Soon the compound started working. Daisy started to feel sick. She put the vial in her bag. Before she finished the movement, the teacher spoke to her.

„Looking for something?" he asked.

„Just my water bottle. I'm not feeling well." Daisy said.

„You should go see the nurse's office. Can someone escort her there?" the teacher asked, turning to the class. Ward immediately volunteered, but he had a bad reputation in the school so the teacher assigned Mike instead. Mike took Daisy to the nurse, who told Daisy to go home and asked for her parents' phone number to call them. Daisy gave Coulson's number to the doctor who told him that Daisy is sick. Nor Coulson nor May could go pick her up, but Daisy swore she felt well enough to walk home on her own. The doctor still asked Mike to go with her. Daisy didn't want help but stayed quiet about it. She and Mike walked quietly next to each other until Mike got tired of it.

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