Chapter 13: For charity's sake

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As Doctor Tenma wrote in the newspaper ad, Füssen was indeed a beautiful town. It was a peaceful place in the mountains of southern Germany, with many old-fashioned houses, giving me the feeling as if time had stopped. It was the second day after my arrival when I sat on a bench near the fountain, dressed in a suit as always, only added a hat to today's outfit to cover my eyes. I observed the doves looking for food, people chattering on this perfect, sunny day. Then, after hours of waiting, someone sat next to me.

"So you actually came."

It was him, as expected. I didn't look at him yet and kept my eyes on the fountain.

"Yes. It seems like you want to talk to me, and so do I."

Near the fountain, I noticed a boy with a soccer ball, kicking in the afternoon sun. It was Dieter, as I thought.

"Why did you call me here to Füssen? Or more precisely, what are you doing in this town?", I asked Doctor Tenma.

"I treat someone near this town. This is only a stopover." He made a short pause. "Now, onto my question..."

He turned his head to me.

"Why are you, after all these months, trying to prove my innocence? I just can't seem to figure out what your objective is." He frowned. "You're not doing this for charity's sake, are you?" "Charity's sake, huh?" I leaned my head back, looking towards the sky. "That's an interesting way to put it. But no", I finally met his eyes, "you're right. I don't do this out of altruism." He kept looking at me, dissatisfied with my short answer. So I continued.

"Inspector Lunge is entirely convinced that you're the culprit. He tries his best to bring you down, to solve yet another case to prove to himself that he is always right. And to that extent, I understand him, though I'm convinced you're innocent. I've seen all the injustice there can be among the police, how innocent people were painted as culprits... I don't want to see it ever again. I want this case solved, because it has been going on for way too long. Just like you, I assume, wanted to succeed in performing your surgeries, or bringing your patients back to their strength. Gaining new clues, drawing the final conclusions, solving cases... this is my dopamine."

After I finished explaining, Doctor Tenma was deep in thoughts, looking towards the ground as we listened to the chirping of the birds and the people talking in the distance.

"... That is something I understand."

He kept looking at the ground.

"There is one more thing I need to add."

He slightly turned his head, glancing at me.

"A thing that might give you more insight on why I am so interested in your case." I took a deep breath. "Well, as every person probably has, I have my couple regrets. I haven't always been a good policeman, especially in my youth. By bringing the truth to light and freeing people from their burdens, I feel like I can partially make up for the things I did. And I believe you're trying the same thing. You're trying to catch Johan... to make up for the mistake of saving him, do you?"

His eyes said it all. He couldn't hide his astonishment on the fact that we had more in common than we thought. Well, what I said was just a guess, but apparently, I was right.


Dieter was approaching us. When he arrived, holding his soccer ball, he glanced at me, then at Doctor Tenma. Then, he looked at me again, squinting.

"... Aren't you the Detective?"

"So you recognise me?", I asked with a soft smile.

"Yes! I'm good at memorising people's faces." He grinned at us. Suddenly, Doctor Tenma stood up.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go see my patient. Perhaps we can meet again tomorrow."

I was about to agree when Dieter protested.

"But Tenma, you wanted to play soccer with me!" Tenma smiled sadly. "I apologise, Dieter", he answered, patting his head, "that will have to wait." Dieter pouted, but the Doctor was not changing his mind.

"... Can you play with me, Miss?"

Tenma frowned slightly as Dieter looked at me, his eyes full of hope. "Dieter, it's fine, I'll play with you later-!" "Sure, why not? I have enough time to spare, after all." I stood up as well, looking at the Doctor. "Go and treat your patient. I will take care of Dieter." He looked at me as if he was unsure, then glanced at Dieter, who was happy he found a new person to play soccer with. "... Fine, then. Thank you." Then, Doctor Tenma left to drive back to his patient.

"Come with me, Miss! I know a good place to play soccer at!" Dieter literally dragged me along with him. I was kind of thrown off, but also enjoyed his cheerful and youthful nature. "And don't hold back, Miss! I want this to be a real game!" I smiled. "Okay, then. But don't cry when I defeat you." "Ha! I won't cry over something like that! And I'm a real pro at soccer! I'm practising every day!" I chuckled. "Well, than I'd say - may the best soccer player win!"

In the evening, when the sun was setting already, I was finally able to pick Dieter up. We were walking back to my car while the Detective said she'd head back to her hotel. I was concerned to leave Dieter alone with her, but he was in the best mood.

"So, how was it, Dieter?"

"Very good!" He grinned happily at me.

"And... was she strange, the Detective? Did she say something to scare you?"

"Huh? No, not at all. It was fun playing with her." He observed the lit up town, still grinning.

"She was really funny!"

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