Winchester brothers

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*3rd person*

Dean and Tilly switch places again as she had a feeling Dean would wanna be close to Sam

"Okay video one"

Sam and Dean hug each other tightly when the video finishes and stay there for a few minutes before pulling apart

"Jerk" Sam says

"Bitch" Dean retaliates

"Okay next one"

Everyone is laughing at the pair wondering how they could act like that

"omg me and Cas have to know you two and be in love" Tilly says laughing which makes Cas smile for a second.

"Okay time to go guys say your goodbyes"

Tilly gets up and goes towards Sam to give him a hug whilst Dean gets up and gives Cas a hug then Tilly and Dean whilst Sam hugs Cas then Cas and Tilly hug.

They all vanish.

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