<<Hadiza's pov>>

It's been three days now since Fabiola beat me up.

I haven't been to school for three days straight. I told mom that I was still feeling weak and all.

I lied to mom about what happened to me. Instead, I told her that I was beaten up by some thieves who tried to steal from me.

I didn't really lie about getting beaten up but not by thieves.

Diana,later came in the afternoon after school. She came to check up on me, helped me write some of my notes and updated me on topics that were taught during me absence.

"How are you doing?," Diana asked. She kept her bag at the side of the bed and came to sit where I was.

"I'm fine,"I responded.

"You will be able to come to school tomorrow right?," she excitedly asked. I frowned at her question. I wasn't ready to go back to that hell of a place.

I wasn't ready to continue to face torture and suffering.

I moved my head side ways, meaning No. she got my answers almost immediately.

"Hazel, you can't keep skipping school because of what happened. Your wounds have even healed completely," she stood up as she grabbed her bag and sat down.

"Today, I noticed that Conrad hasn't been in school for two days now. Fabiola made everyone believe that he wasn't feeling fine. She said she had even checked up on him and he's getting better," Diana stated. She took out her books from her bag and placed it on the bed.

Conrad isn't feeling well.

I wondered how he was doing? 

"We have done a lot on chemistry but it is still based on electron configurations. The topic we have been on for two weeks now. So it won't be hard for you to get the calculations," I looked at Diana as she opened her chemistry note and started explaining the topic to me.

We spent about an hour on chemistry. I kept telling Diana that I didn't understand. Truly, She was a bad teacher.

I knew I was even frustrating her but aunty can't teach at all

She would just be reading the note out for me and tell me to learn the formula for the calculations. Like is that how to teach?

If I keep skipping school I will miss a whole lot. And I didn't want to fail.

It was late already and I suggested that Diana should head home before my mom comes back from work. If she sees Diana here by this time, she could be so angry.

She doesn't like my friend to stay at the house very late or either for me to stay at a friend's place very late.

Diana went home before mom came back from work.

I heard the car hummed. I quickly rushed out to open the gate as the Lexus car came in.

I closed the huge black gate afterwards and helped carry the stuffs she had bought inside the boot.

"Good evening mom," I said greeting her through the window of the car with my hands filled with shopping bags.

"How are you hadiza?" She said as she came down from the car.

"Am fine ma,"

I went into the house, headed for the kitchen and placed the bags on the table in the kitchen as mom walked in.

She looked quite elegant in her dress. She had wore a baby pink straight gown, it brought out her curves in her Chubby body. You guys now know where I got my curves from.

She had her braids packed in a ponytail. Her face was a bit lighter than her usual skin. She had applied makeup to her oval shaped face which made her look more lighter.

My average height mom dropped her bag on the table in the kitchen.

Dad had travelled for a business trip and kasala was already in university. So it was only me and mom that was at home.

"Hadiza, I'm sure your wounds has healed already and you have fully recovered. So you should be able to go to school tomorrow because for the past three days that you haven't been in school. You would have missed a lot.," I watched as she removed her glasses and kept it inside the case and finally into her handbag as she spoke.

"Alright ma, I will try and___

She cut me short and decided to speak.

"You will not try to go. But you must go. Don't be lazy Hadiza," she said harshly. I stared at her. I had lied to her about what happened to me. I always told her everything since kasala got into the university. I became so close to her and i regret it.

But I didn't want to say anything to her.

I didn't know what to say to her.

I stormed out of the kitchen and went to my room.

"Come back here hadiza," I heard her yell as I got to my room.

Putting off the light, I collapsed on my bed.

I covered myself with a duvet. With wide eyes I kept staring at the ceiling.

I didn't want to go to school. School was just a place of suffering and uncountable torture. I wasn't ready to face Fabiola and Conrad__maybe.


How was he feeling? Did he feel guilty for not helping me?

I kept tossing around the bed until sleep welcomed me in.

Wassup guys,
So how's this chapter?
Yeah, I know the chapter is short but gradually it will increase.
I am really sorry for the late upload. 

Why are Conrad and his friends being like this to Hadiza?
Hadiza  thought he would come to her aid but I guess she was wrong.

Damn!! Diana, sure is a very bad teacher.
She will just read the book out  and expect Hadiza to understand it😹😹
Someone should tell Hadiza to go to school, it seems Hadiza doesn't want to listen to her mommy. As it is Hadiza won't understand anything with Diana being her teacher.

Byeeee for now


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