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Hey guys✨
Read the short note below.
Pic of ogbonna Conrad 👆

            <<<<Hadiza's pov>>>>

The nightmare I had nights ago left me speechless for the rest of that day. Every part of it I remembered had me shudder in regret and I wondered how it was possible to see a part of my memory, in a dream.

Each part of that dream replayed itself in my head, over and over and over again as I stared blankly out of the car window.

I just relived one of the worst incidents in my life through a dream, and how terrifying it was. And now, I had to go over to my chemistry partner's place to work on the project together.

I took in a deep breath and exhaled. Why I had to go through such torture for a school project, I had no idea.

The car came to a halt and the driver turned around, looking at me. "Here we are." He said. I thanked him and looked through the window, staring at the massive house that stood proudly before us and gulped.

The thought of me stepping my foot in there to meet. . .Conrad was frightening.

What if he mocked me of my disability?

What if he felt lazy and left me to do all the work?

What if he decided to be violent with me?

My grip on the knob of the car tightened and I gulped again.

"Miss, aren't you getting down?" The driver asked. I shot my head in his direction and shook my head vehemently.

"No." I said. He looked at me curiously, his eyes asking me of the sudden mind change but didn't dare to speak. He turned around and began the car ignition but then, the gate creaked open.

I turned to look out through the window and my heart skipped a beat. Conrad had a foot stretching out of the smaller part of the gate as he walked out of the house. Almost immediately, he spotted me through the window and waved at me, smiling.

I recurled in my seat and gulped. I could feel the sweat on my neck as I stared back at him.

He had seen me and I didn't have a choice but to come down now.

He smiled at me, he'd planned all the things he would do to me already.

I was walking right into a prison, a torturous one. He was going to do the worst to me and I wouldn't be able to say a thing.

I wanted to cry and shout and run away but I only exhaled and came down. The cool air hit my face as I stepped out of the car and I could feel Conrad's gaze throughout. I took another deep breath and exhaled. I waved back at him.

He smirked and took off his ear piece as he stepped back into his house through the gate, gesturing me to follow him. The number of deep breaths I took was countless, and I struggled not to show the fear that burnt through me as I tried keeping a reasonable distance from him.

We got the living room and I stopped by a sofa as I took a look at the scenery before me. His living room, aside being wide and spacious, had a homely feel to it and I couldn't help but commend the interior decorators on their job well done. I dropped my bag on the sofa and sat down.

"What are you doing?" Came Conrad's deep voice and I turned to him slowly, trying to be as humble as possible.

"Sitting down." I said.

He chuckled. "We're not working on our school stuff here. We're going up to my room."

He turned around and made for the stairs but I stood frozen on the spot. His room? Me and him. Alone. In his room?!

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