Volume 3: Uninhabited Island Exam begins

Start from the beginning

The first area I would be heading to was... D7. Just two cells north of the starting area.

I inclined my tablet's screen in Horikita's direction, prompting her to tell me her own designated area.

Horikita: Mine is F9. Looks like the two of us have different Tables.

Kiyo: Seems like it.

Since we all started from the same place, it was possible that both our areas might overlap somewhat even if we didn't have the same Table, but it looked like Horikita, and I would be going in two completely different directions.

???: Hooi Kiyo, Suzune!

We both turned in the direction that the voice came from to see Yato walking toward us while waving his hand.

As people seemed under some pressure due to the special exam...he was one of the few exceptions to be unbothered by all this.

Yato: So? How are the two of you doing? Ready for those two weeks?

Kiyo: Well...I'm pretty fine but...

As I glanced at Horikita, she continued my reflection...

Hoirkita: What about you? 

Yato: Sighs. It might be harder than I thought to chill out on the beach... it's hella hot outside...I just remember how much I hate summer...

Kiyo\Horikita: ...

As we wondered if maybe something changed...we realized how naive we were.

Kiyo: But still...you still bought a few items?

After all, he was wearing a cap and had a bag on his back.

Yato: Of course...As I said it's hot outside, and from what I heard it seems the school only gives free water after the second day...that's why I bought a bag, water and some stuff I'll need the time three group abandon so I can go back on the ship...

Even if he was sleeping yesterday during the explanation, I guess he still hears students talking about the rules cause he took action to survive at least two days before enjoying the free water given by the school.

Horikita: What about your first designated area?

As we just confirmed, Horikita and I haven't the same Table...she probably wanted to confirm in which Table Yato was.

Yato: Ah yeah that's right...the area...

He then raised his wrist and started looking at his watch...

Yato: Ehhh wait how I'm supposed to see the map?

Kiyo\Horikita: ...

As Yato started playing with his watch, trying to figure out how to see the map...Horikita and I had blank faces, almost shocked at what we were witnessing...

Horikita: Your tablet...you need to look at your tablet Yato...

Yato: ...

As soon she said this, he just froze a moment before smiling and scratching the back of his head...

Yato: Hahaha anyway who cares? I won't need my tablet so I kept it in my bag...I think?

Kiyo: You think?

Yato: Hahahaha don't worry about me!!

He just started to walk away with a smile.

Yato: Good luck Kiyo, Suzune!

With that, Yato gets off the ship with many other students...but he suddenly bumps into someone...

Yato: Ahhh Koenji!

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