Shsihishi," Luffy snickers "Ah this reminds me of the time when Ace, Sabo and I used to live in the forest near Dadan's place"

"Dadan? Sabo?" Law asks looking at the younger. Luffy's expression suddenly turns soft "Yeah" his voice sound sore yet gentle, looking up at the sky the younger continues "Sabo was also my brother; he died a long time ago though. The three of us use to live on the mountain with Dadan and her bandit family" A light wind blows through them and Law lets out a hum watching the softness of Luffy's face, that bitter but loving smile spread across his lips as he speaks of his late brother.

"Sabo was always nice to me! He always took my side when Ace and I fought" Luffy laughs "We took down the king of the jungle together!" he says proudly. Law frowns trying to imagine what that would've been like "You mean a gorilla?"

The younger shakes his head "No silly Torao, gorillas aren't the king of the jungle! It was a tiger!" Law raises his brows, he should've accepted that "Of course, silly me"

"He was the size of this ship" Law believes him, there has to be a reason why Luffy had such monstrous strength "Sabo and Ace were the first people I used rocket with"


"Yeah! I held onto some trees and they dragged me back as far as possible then they let me go and I flew towards the tiger and hit him with my pole pipe as hard as I could! Shishish" He explains using his arms and making them fly in the air, hitting Law on the nose accidentally in the process "That knocked him out right away"

"I see" The older dryly says rubbing his poor nose.

Luffy grins, he looks up at the stars again "Ah... I miss them" Unconsciously Law's arms get tighter around the younger and he leans forward holding the other captain closer.

"Someone once told me," Law says looking up at the twilight sky as Luffy turns his head to look at him "That when we die we turn into stars... so that we could watch over the ones we love" He looks down into Luffy's large dark eyes which were sparkling with light, glittering like stars just like the sky above them "Really?" the younger captain asks and Law nods his head "I bet Ace-ya and Sabo-ya are watching over you right now"

The large smile which falls over Luffy's small face almost takes Law's breath away. He looks almost... angelic in that moment, he's seen Strawhat smile a lot but this one is different out of all of them. This one feels rare, the one he hasn't seen till now and Law wants to see that smile once more.

"Who told you this Torao?" Luffy notices the way Law's golden eyes which normally look cold and unapproachable suddenly look soft "A dear friend"

Luffy stares, this is the first Torao has showed such a face. He's so used to seeing the older male looking grumpy or frowning that now he's curious, what other expressions can Torao make? Can Torao smile?

"Friend? Your Nakama?"

Law nods looking into Luffy's eyes "Is it that bear guy I saw with you last time!?" the younger suddenly sounds way too excited. Law quirks his brow "His name is Bepo" the older answers eyes softening "He's my first-hand mate and my navigator" the smile which falls on Torao's lips makes his features look even more handsome. Those dark eyes which glow under the night seem to relax and the stiffness of his features vanishes. Luffy's awe struck, that smile disappears too soon he thinks. His warm fingers reach up and cup Law's face bringing his head down "Wha-!?"

"I want to see that again"

Law knots his brows, its one of those moments when Strawhats makes absolutely zero sense he realizes "What?"

"That smile, show it to me again"

Law's never felt so lost, he stares at the younger with wide eyes as Luffy stares at him with those large eyes, shining so brightly that he could see his confused reflection in them. Maybe it was the rush of adrenaline or the glistening sight of strawhat staring at him so intensely but suddenly everything is hilarious. A smile breaks through Law's lip because of course only Luffy would say something like that "you're so strange Mugiwara-ya" he tells the younger, laughing lightly. Luffy takes a sharp quick breath, he feels a warm bubble in the center of his chest, his cheeks turning warm.

What is this?

He opens his mouth "Something's wrong" Luffy whispers, his brows coming together eyes not moving away from Law's unguarded, relaxed, and handsome face.

Law raises his eyebrow "Wrong?" the hands on his face slowly lose their grip as Luffy pulls his hands back.

The younger nods, staring into those sinful golden eyes. He's seen those eyes so many times but always cold, distanced, hurting. Never has he seen them like now, relaxed and holding a sign of life. It makes Luff's stomach flip down to the bottom. He can't stop staring, "There's this loud noise in my ears, I've never heard it before" he places his hand over his pounding heart, feeling even more confused.

Law frowns at him "Loud noise?" the older questions "well it is pretty late, maybe you're tired. You should go back to your room now Mugiwara-ya"

The younger captain shakes his head, a bit too violently "No! I want to stay here, with you!" he wines like a brat, hugging Law by his waist. The older captain gives him a dry look, his smile was gone but those eyes still held a sign of life in them. Luffy was overjoyed.

"Whatever. Just go to sleep" he sighs making Luffy snicker in victory. They shift around a little, Luffy coming to rest his head on Law's shoulder, turning his body to the side just slightly and pulling up the blanket to his shoulder. Law, not being used to so much skin contact before feels his body stiffen "Relax Torao" he hears Luffy mumbles. The younger grabs his hands and runs his finger over his tan hand smoothing out his tattoo fingers "I like your tattoos" Law feels the tip of Luffy's short ink hair brush against his chin "They're cool... just like you"

Strawhat finds him cool?

Normally he doesn't care about his reputation so why does this little information suddenly helps him clam down his nerves into a slow, calm heartbeat? Why does he suddenly feel at easy with Luffy snuggling into his chest more. Why isn't he pushing away the younger like he always does? He lets his shoulders relax and take in a deep breath. Let this be a problem for another day, he tells himself as he closes his eyes trying to shut out every single voice in his brain.

"Go to sleep Mugiwara-ya"

"Shishishi... Good night Torao"

Law hums, letting Luffy hold his hand as his other hand gently rubs over Luffy's arm before falling down to his side.

To be continued...

(This is where our chapter ends, thankyou so much for reading and i hope you guys liked it)

Word count: 1852

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