chapter 1 (day1)

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"Come on Torao! Let me show you around Sunny" Luffy grins leaning against the wooden rail of Sunny, offering his hand to the older captain.

Law looks up, already feeling exhausted just seeing the hyper young captain.


Law stares at Luffy shaking his arm at him, almost violently, demanding his hand to be held so that he could pull the older up. Law lets out a sigh and jumps up in the air landing perfectly on the green grassy deck on the Strawhat's ship.

"Shall we talk about the plan?" Law says looking through the edge of his hat, cold golden eyes pinning down the younger captain. However he's suddenly caught off guard to see a rather large pout on Strawhat's face. Luffy crosses his arms and lets out a huff "Alright everyone! Get together!" he announces walking into the center gaining the strawhats attention.

Law blinks before following the younger into the center of the deck and taking a seat on the wooden bench. As he explains his plan to his alliances he notices that the musician has fallen asleep already, long-nose isn't even paying attention, the sword-man has his eyes closed but worst their captain wears an expression which shows he hasn't gotten anything Law had just explained.

"So we basically beat up Mingo!" Luffy yells beside him, putting his arm around Law's shoulder and positively damaging his hearing. A frown makes it's way through Law's lips and he brushes off Luffy's arm "That's not what I-

"Don't worry Torao! I'll beat up Mingo for you!" The younger says giving him the biggest smiles then turning his attention to his cook "YOSHA! SANJIII! FOOD!"

Law is left dumbfounded as the strawhat crew follow their captain to the kitchen demanding a list of food to the cook. For the thousand time that day he thinks maybe the alliance wasn't such a clever idea. He gets up and decides to walk around the ship to get his mind off some stress as well as failing to notice two pair of eyes observing him quietly.

Luffy walks out of the kitchen, letting out a loud satisfaction sigh as he rubs his large stomach "Huh? Where did Torao go?" He questions spinning his head around in hope to find a familiar tall figure. He hears Robin chuckle next to him. She sits on a patio chair elegantly, her long legs exposed to the sun but covered with the shade of the umbrella above her.

"Torao-kun left to explore the ship," she says with that sweet yet sharp voice of hers, placing her book on her lap

"EEHHH!? But I wanted to show him around myself!" Luffy whines making the older lady smile.

"Last time I saw him, he was in the library. Though, he might be hungry by now?" Her eyes glitter with a mischievous glint "You could still show him the kitchen"

Luffy bounces with joy "I am going to go find him, thanks Robin!" he's already running off before she gets to answer him.

"That wasn't very nice of you"

Robin glances at the green hair man resting beside her, who was leaning against the wall "I don't know what you mean" She giggles picking up her book once again.

before turning to wash away the rest of the dishes.

Law takes a bite of the first Onigiri tasting the flavour of fish with deliciously cooked rick and rich flavour of spices. It seems Strawhat wasn't exaggerating when he claimed Sanji to be the greatest cook in the world.

"Shisshishi~" Luffy laughs lightly putting his arms on the black marble counter and slowly brings his head down placing it between his arms. He stares up at the older captain chewing his food way slowly than he would himself. Law's golden eyes glance at him from the corner and he swallows his bite "What is it?" he asks the younger.

"It's good right?" Luffy asks with his famous smile plastered on his lips. Law hums and grabs one of the Onigiri "here" he offers to the younger captain who lights up delightfully at the sight of a rice ball.

"Luffy! How many times do I have to tell you not to steal other people's food!" Sanji's voice reaches his ears before his captain could even take a bite out of his rice ball.

Luffy stares at Law for a moment "you're right Sanji, Torao should eat this" Sanji blinks at his captain watching the younger return the rice ball to the older captain who waves in the air "It's fine, two is enough for me" Law mutters, taking another bite and looking away from the strawhats.

"You're such a nice guy!" Luffy grins gulping his rice ball in one large bite and then licking his fingers. Law watches, amused wondering how Strawhat was capable of eating food like that? How does his immune system run?

"Oi Luffy! Come look at this new gadget Franky made!"

Usopp's loud excited voice echoes through the ship making Luffy jump off the bar stool "NEW GADGET!?" he practically races out of the kitchen like a gush of wind leaving no trace of his existence behind.

Sanji lets out a sigh before shaking his head and sitting down on the bar stool as he pulls out a cooking magazine.

"Chief Zeff?"

Sanji raises his curly brow "You know him?" he asks, impressed. Law shrugs "Penguin's role model" he answers.

"Your cook?"


Sanji's eye widen at the small smile displaying on Law's face, his mouth opens the cigarette almost falling out. 'Huh,' The yellow head thinks letting out a smoke through his lips 'what a handsome bastard... it's good he's grumpy most of the time can't have Nami-San and Robin-Chan falling for this asshole'

Not even ten minutes since Luffy left, a loud crashing sound comes from the deck followed by Nami's shouting and Luffy's loud laughter ringing in the air.

"Chopper! That's not how you're suppose to ride it!"



"Nico-ya" Law nods towards the beautiful lady sitting under the shade of the umbrella right outside the kitchen. She smiles at him delectably "Torao-Kun would you like to sit with us?" she invites him, and Law looks up at the swordsman who seems to be sleeping against the wall.

"Every single time!" He sees Strawhat's navigator stomping up the stairs looking like she might pop a nerve "those idiots and that stupid captain! Can you believe they hurt Sunny again!?" She huffs before sitting down next to Robin. The older lady giggles lightly and reaches out to pat Nami's head "Roobinn, you're my only peace around here" the younger girl whines before snuggling into the elders arm and letting out a rant of frustration as Nico pats her head gently letting the younger rest her head on her shoulder.

Strawhat crew literally has no sense of personal space.

To be continued...

(This is where our chapter ends thankyou for reading and i hope you guys like it )

Word count: 1179

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