I'm left on the bridge alone. My mind goes back to Amylin, my emotions building up. I turn and kick over some boxes, yelling in the process. The door hisses open at the same time, and I turn quickly, only to be met with Jesse and Hardcase. "Captain?" the ask, concerned.

I stare at them for a second, trying to get my anger under control. "Clean this up," I ordered, then head out of the room. I feel their gaze following me as I head down the hall. I turn, heading towards the med bay. I enter the doorway, rather quickly. An alarmed Kix turns away from his desk and towards me, "Captain, you alright?" he asks, standing up now. I remove my helmet, flopping down in a chair.

He takes a step towards me, but stops once I speak. "They have Amylin," I look up at him, feeling my rage starting to boil. He doesn't say anything, just processes my words. "They have her and the Jedi are doing nothing," I say, borderline yelling. "Rex," Kix starts softly. I stand up, "Not only that, but get this. They are sending me to go carry out inspections!" I yell. Kix watches me as I pace the room. "Our General is captured and I'm sent to do some lousy fucking inspections!" I throw my helmet against the wall, watching it clatter to the ground.

My sight goes blurry as tears brim my eyes, only making me more angry. I place my hands on my hips, lifting my head slightly, trying to blink the tears away. "Rex," he starts again. I turn to face him, my eyes meeting his. He gives me a soft, sad smile. He heads towards me now, and I stare down at my feet. I shake my head, "We can't do anything to help," I mumble, my anger slowly melting away. I look back up, meeting his gaze again.

"That's not true," he states. "We can continue fighting this war, helping in whatever way we can." He smiles, "good soldiers follow orders," I scoff, a smile coming to my lips. "We will be able to help her, just not right now. She'll be okay Cap." I nod, "I know." He smiles again, "You better prepare for your lousy inspections, then," he jokes.

I scoff again, picking up my helmet. "Thanks, Kix," I say. He nods, then I head back to the barracks to prepare for my journey to the outer rim.

---Time Skip---

*Amylin's POV*

I fade in and out of consciousness, unsure how much time has passed since I've been captured. I'm finally able to grasp reality, and manage to stay awake. I groan, a terrible headache starting to form. I look around the small room I'm in. I notice I'm trapped in a containment field, blocking all force abilities and keeping me in one place. I struggle for a moment, hoping to get free, but to no avail.

I look down, seeing my thigh wrapped where I got shot. "That's nice of them," I mumble to myself. The door to the small cell hissed open, and my gaze connected with Dooku. He smirks at me, "finally, you have been out for quite some time, Jedi." I stay silent, looking towards the droids accompanying him. They are both holding a staff, which I know carries an electric current when activated.

I return my gaze back to Dooku, pressing my lips into a straight line. "I had a medical droid look you over, as you can tell," he motions to my leg and arm, both wrapped up nicely. "Your blaster shots were easy enough, however your broken rips are a bit more trouble."

I scoff, "you can thank your general for that one." He smirks more, maintaining eye contact. He then reaches around his back, pulling out my sabers. I control my anger, not wanting him to sense any emotions from me. "Purple," he starts, "an... odd color for a Jedi."

"You know nothing, Dooku." He laughs, "you've felt the dark side, young one. Tell me, why didn't you embrace it?" I glare at him, not giving him an answer. "The answers will all come with time, but you better start talking, these are the easy questions," he mocks, laughing.

He motions his droids forward. My heart rate picks up as they activate their staff. My eyes glance back to Dooku, who is clearly enjoying the look on my face. "Do the Jedi know where you are, Amylin?" I glare at him, keeping my mouth shut.

Forbidden Attachments (Captain Rex x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now